I would suggest talking to your local La Leche League about all of these issues. In my experience, and I believe in all chapters of LLL, the leaders are available to members, people who attend AND people who do not attend. They are knowledgable and can point you at good resources -- and the ones I've met have all been friendly (well, it's their job). http://lalecheleague.org/ -- overall organization; locally http://www.lllusa.org/MARIVT/Massachusetts.html... )
If that does not sort things out, sweetestangel has (with some plotting and scheeming help from me and mamasee) at times come up with ways to do 'commando pumping'. If all else fails get a power adapter and use the comfort and comparative privacy of your car and cover for modesty as/if you would for feeding directly. If nothing else, listening to tunes on the stereo in your car is a side bonus. :)
I haven't been through this (gljiva is only a few weeks older, and I hven't gone back to work yet either, plus she eats pretty differently) but if he's going to be about a year old I imagine he can go the length of a workday without having breastmilk. Maybe it will help him to find more filling solid foods he likes. (It's too bad about the cow's milk, though, as that's the solution I would've suggested as an extra thing to offer him.) I think after age 1 it starts getting pretty hard to get *all* their nutrition into them from breastfeeding anyway, and working on getting more food into him and breastfeeding when you *can* be with him will be good
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Her production will adjust to whatever he's eating. If she doesn't pump during the day, and he doesn't drink more at night as a result, then yes, her production will go down. It's a demand-driven system. So on weekends she won't be able to feed him during the day if she doesn't pump during the day on weekdays.
I would think that if Squeak didn't have any reaction to the soy yogurt that you could try a bit of soy milk and see how he does. And if that works, than between what he can eat, soy milk, and nursing first thing in the AM, at night and weekends - I would think he'd be fine and getting plenty of nutrition
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