Several years back, I had repeated operations and loop incisions to remove precancerous cells from my cervix.
Considering how
Lletz Biopsies I had (including one when I was pregnant with Katharine), every doctor that has since done a PAP test or had any reason to look at my cervix has said its in "pretty good shape - almost no scarring".
Thing is, I've always know when there was Something Wrong.
I get stabbing pains in my lower pelvic area. I feel like my ovaries are about to burst. I get unexplained cramping. I spot at any given point in time.
At the moment, the only one of those not happening is my ovaries. I don't feel like they're about to burst. I do have lower pelvic pain. I do have cramping. I am spotting at any given point in time.
And you know what else? I just feel like Shit. Not just shit, but Shit. It requires capitalisation, imho.