Title: Buried Alive
Author: Alaylith
Rating: G
Characters: Watson
Summary: Watson seeks protection in a cave, but the cave turns into a tomb. (July Prompt 31)
WordCount: 326
Prompt: July 31 ~~~
Author's Note: This is the last of July's prompts! YAY! I did all 31 prompts and I achieved my personal goal - I connected them all (albeit sometimes loosely) to a bigger story! HURRAY! *happy dance*
This was a great challenge and I am soooo happy that I did it! :)
But fear not - it is NOT over! Muhahahaha!
Because with today's prompt I started another arc of my story for the TEN amnesty prompts! I will try to write them all and these ten will all tell another arc of my big story. So in the end I will connect all 41 (!) prompts to ONE big story. ^_^
Thus this prompt takes place after Call my Name (Watson's rescue after the kidnapping). It does NOT start the arc, it is just part of the third arc which starts now.
We'll see how that's going to work...
Watson can not hear his own breathing.
Loud rumbles surround him as if he were in the middle of a storm cloud. The ground shakes and he stumbles over stones and branches while he runs as fast as he can.
He can not risk to turn around and look; he does not have the time.
He knows that if he stops for just a second he will die.
He has to continue, he has to keep running.
Holmes told him to run and that is the only thought swirling in his mind.
The rumbles grow louder and he can see white chunks flying around him out of the corner of his eyes. The snow has almost reached him.
He tries to run faster, but he knows that he can not continue like this. He needs a place to hide.
Just then he sees a gaping black hole to his side and without thought turns towards it. The cave is at the side of a small hill, the entrance pitch black in the middle of the snow-white hill.
As he feels the snow touching his back he jumps with his last strength into the cave and runs into the darkness.
The light disappears immediately as the entrance is blocked and he stumbles over the uneven ground towards a little light he can see further down the cave. But as he reaches it he realizes that it is only a small opening, just big enough for his hand.
Watson breathes harshly and braces his shakings hands on his knees.
Looking back he is only able to see darkness as the entrance is completely blocked by the snow. There is no way for him to escape and he does not know where Holmes is. And Holmes does not know where he is.
He is trapped, trapped in a cave beneath thousands kilos of snow.
The cave turned into a tomb. And he is buried alive.