Title: Furious
Author: Alaylith
Rating: G
Characters: Watson, bad man, Holmes (a bit)
Summary: Watson prefers words, but sometimes he accepts action, too. (July Amnesty Prompt 05)
WordCount: 219
Prompt: Amnesty 05 ~~~ Actions speak louder than words; ergo, breaking someone's nose is a much more effective means of communicating than verbal riposte. Use that however it inspires you.
Author's Note: Just a short one and I took the prompt almost by the word. ;) This one will make more sense if you read the amnesty fills in the chronological order. As I had all prompts I was able to better plan and connect these, so they may appear a bit more confusing than the original 31 July prompts. Just reread it after you read one of the later fills, which happens directly before this if it is too weird. So far this takes place after Rest of the World.
Watson watches how Holmes disappears between the trees in the direction of their house, before he turns around and looks at Matthews who steps out of the shadows of the trees.
“Well done, doctor,” he growls, his gun pointed directly at him. “I thought you would try anything to warn him.”
“I only care about his safety,” Watson answers. “I needed to get him to leave.”
“How heroic of you,” Matthews sneers. “Even though I wish I would have been able to kill you in front of his eyes. I would have loved to see the expression in his eyes.
You himself described him as a calculating machine. Would there be horror? Guilt? Pain? Sadness? Is he even able to feel those things? Does he even care about you?”
Watson keeps silent and Matthews laughs slightly. “Do you not have an answer for me?”
“No,” Watson says and his eyes flitter to the side for a moment. “The time for talking is over.”
Matthews cocks his head to one side. “Is it really?”
“Yes, because actions speak louder than words,” says a third voice and Matthews jumps around surprised.
He is only able to see the furious expression in Holmes’ eyes for a short moment before a fist connects with his face and he can feel his nose breaking.