Title: Alone
Author: Alaylith
Rating: G
Characters: Watson
Summary: Watson is alone in his snowy tomb. (July Amnesty Prompt 09)
WordCount: 100
Prompt: Amnesty 09 ~~~ Rhyme. Crackfic or not, true poetry or not, your entire fic must in some way rhyme. You may waive the 100-word minimum for this prompt.
Author's Note: My FIRST drabble! YES! And it was just a coincidence. ;) I wrote the thing and then counted the words and BAM - exactly 100 words without trying. ^^
It is nothing fancy as I can't write poems, especially not English ones. I used an online generator which gave me words which rhyme to the one I entered - e.g. meaning I wrote the first sentence and took the last word coldness and entered this into the generator and the generator gave me a list of words which rhyme to coldness. This way I got boundless and created the second sentence and so on.
It may sound funny to you, but I am almost completely unable to make English rhymes. My pronounciation is almost completely wrong as I mostly read/write/listen to English, but I myself never speak it. E.g. I speak breath like breathe and thus never realized that breath rhymes to death. ._. And on the other hand I just can't think of any words. xD Even though I know all the words, I just did not get them when I thought about it. :b
Thankfully I found the generator and was able to create this little piece, I even like it (even though it is quite simple). :D
This takes place after Buried Alive.
He is embraced by coldness
And the darkness seems boundless.
He is engulfed by silence
And there is nothing for guidance.
He fears for his life
And the pain is like a knife.
He closes his eyes,
Awaiting his end.
The hope finally dies,
Initiating his heavenly ascent.
But then light breaks through
And carries a voice.
His life starts anew,
As he makes a final choice.
He gathers his strength
And his arm covers the length.
He takes a deep breath
And he is pulled from his death.
Grey eyes meet his own
And he is no longer alone.