Title: Guns
Author: Alaylith
Rating: PG
Universe: ACD
Characters: Holmes, Watson
Word Count: 500
A/N: Args, that was hard! I never wrote a story before with a special word count and at first I had not enough words, then they were too many, then again not enough and wahh! I'll never write a 221 b. <.<"
Sorry about the unimaginative title, but I got no idea how I could call the story. :/ Maybe one of you has an idea?
Took the chance to write something funny - at least it is intended to be funny. xD
I hope you like it. :)
I am such a fool.
Not a sentence to describe myself normally, but when the shoe fits…
The little ironic smile vanishes from my face when the brutes holding me throw me to the ground right at the feet of Alexander Matthews.
“The great Sherlock Holmes on his knees. What a picture,” sneers Matthews and I wipe my mouth.
Great, Mrs. Hudson will not be happy about the blood.
“Did you really think you could overthrow us - alone?” Matthews asks and his men start laughing.
I really thought so, but I will not say it. It does not happen often that I am wrong and it is bitter.
But Watson is safe after all.
We were hunting Matthews for three months now, he and his gang were responsible for several attacks on people in streets and parks.
He made only one fault - his men targeted Watson and after this vigorous attack I swore revenge.
No one touches Watson.
But I did not wish to take any chances with his life again.
As soon as we knew where Matthews’ hideout was I sent Watson back to Baker Street to get his gun and told him I would wait for him.
He will not find it.
I was sure we would get the information about Matthews tonight and I knew Watson would insist to come with me to get him.
So when he was upstairs in his room I took his gun and hid it in my closet under my clothes where I know he will never look (and neither Mrs. Hudson).
He will search for the gun as long as his stubborn streak will not fade, thinking I would wait for him that long.
I do not like to deceive him like this, but I will not endanger him.
“Any last words, Mr. Holmes?” Matthews mocks and I stare at him silently.
He aims his gun at my head and I close my eyes.
Watson is safe - that is all that matters.
A shot rings out and surprised I open my eyes, seeing Matthew falling to his death and behind him stands Watson in the door - with a gun!
Watson had got a gun?
Another shot and the brutes at my site go running for their lives.
A hand reaches down and I look into Watson’s face who is watching me worriedly.
“Are you alright, Holmes?”
“Ehm, yes, I… Watson, what…?”
I look to the gun in his hand and notice that it is a different gun than his army revolver which I had hidden. So who’s gun is this?
“Where did you find the gun?” I ask and Watson smiles lightly.
“I know you, Holmes. As soon as I could not find my army revolver in my desk I knew you had hidden it and that it would be impossible for me to find it. But…”
His smile turns into a grin.
“Did you really think that after all this time living with you I would only have one gun?”