Title: No time to rest
Watson's Woes Challenge 27Author: Alaylith
Rating: General Audiences
Universe: ACD
Characters: Watson
WordCount: 221
Summary: He is just so tired...
A/N: When the challenge was posted at the beginning of February I was so excited. There were so many plot bunnies running around and I could not wait to get my bait. It was all soooo promising!
Then I got sick (again), then I had nothing but stress at work, also so much to do at home and in that time all the bunnies fled. Now it's the last day of February and I wrote nothing. ;(
I just managed this little ficlet, which mirrors my own life right now.
And I am getting sick again, too. ;_;
Weary steps lead him up the stairs and Watson has to rest two times before he reaches the upper floor.
He is so tired.
There are no words to describe it; the last few weeks have been horrible.
Several bouts of flus have kept him busy and through his exposure he himself caught the sickness two times in a row.
And Holmes had several interesting cases which Watson tries to write up whenever possible.
Watson stops in front of the door to their living room, sees the flicker of fire through the gap and knows that Holmes is waiting for him. He leans his head tiredly against the door.
He can already feel the third round of sickness, his head aches and his chest is heavy. He knows he is just about to be sick again.
But there is no time to rest! He still has so much to do; there is just so much work.
‘I will rest at the weekend,’ he silently promises himself as he reaches for the door handle, already aware that he will not keep that promise - again.
He sighs and then straightens his shoulders, knowing Holmes is going to need his help with his current case. He opens the door and steps inside, his head held high.
There is just no time to rest.