Title: Belong
Theme: Watson's Woes July Writing Prompts 2015
Prompt: #4 The Well-Travelled Watson. "Travel and foreign lands." Use this however it inspires you.
Author: Alaylith
Rating: General Audiences
Universe: ACD
Characters: Watson
WordCount: 100
Summary: John Watson has been to so many different places.
John Watson has been to so many different places, in different countries, even on different contintents.
He has seen foreign cultures, met foreign people and even spoken foreign languages.
But in the end there has always been something similiar, something connecting everything with each other and he was never able to understand what this was exactly.
That is until he met Sherlock Holmes and moved into Baker Street.
The connection between all places and all people all over the world was simply the fact that Watson did not belong.
And now he has found his place. He is finally home.