Damn Sexual Orinteation...Gay People Are Having the Best Week Ever

Jul 05, 2005 03:00

:( ...my lj-cuts don't show up anymore

Usually I hate the 4th of July (my grandfather, the sanest member of my family, died a few years ago on July 3rd when I was in Florida, none of us drive so I never see fireworks anyways, news stations make stupid warning shows where they compare a little girl dummy that blew up a firecracker and blew off her hand, to a little girl dummy who didn't, etc...) but today wasn't so bad. I didn't even know it was July 4th until I turned on the TV and the station had ones of those "we wish you and your family a wonderful July 4th" things.

So today, I figured, I was basically slumming it. I mean...I stayed up all night (my parents are phychos for encouraging me to do that) and I didn't have any plans, so I read lots of fanfiction and watched Vh1, and read more fanfiction, and attempted to figure out for the nth time why myspace multiplayer games no longer works on my computer, then went to lameass nabiscoworld where you literally can't see your own chess pieces cause of the weird angle they show the board, and then was just really bored for a time.
Oh and apparently somewhere in there, between playing stalker LJ (long story) and reading ff, I thought it was a good idea to join a bunch of mostly dead communities.

So then...at like 8 a.m., I came up with the brilliant plan to write a Pirates of the Caribbean fic since one of the few not-dead communities I joined foucused in on that, except I had no idea what to write.
I tried Will/Elizabeth and Elizabeth/Will but it came out sounding sappy and wrong, so then I was like "fuck this" and decided to try slash. And I actually came up with a kinda good, disturbing idea about Jack's past and wrote a one-shot about it.
But then ff.net sucks because of their new hit counters (they are slowly driving me mad...my O.C. masterpiece only got 2 reviews, but 143 hits!!!!!!!! and 1 person who put it on their favorites list didn't review! I have 2 reviews, and 3 favorite listers!), which is totally unfair of me to say considering I haven't been reviewing a ton lately, and have things on my favorites lists that I'm 60% sure I never reviewed.
But anyways, to go on, for like an hour I was really pathetic and just kept going back and updating the stats page and watching the hits on my pirate story go up (and The O.C. story, those OC-reading bastards!) but my reviews staying at zero.
And then I just kinda stared off into space trying the nabiscoland version of real games I have no fucking clue how to play (such as blackjak) and keeping my oppenents pissed off at my apparents disregard of the rules taking up time.
Then around 11 I watched the The Ellen Show cause it was a rerun with Nicole Kidman, and she's great.

And as you all know I'm a HUGE advicot for free music, so then I downloaded the Fueled By Ramen Summer Mix 2005. Which as everything at purevolume, is (legally) free of course. If you're open minded to music, then you should definitly download it cause it has a lot of diffrent, but very good stuff in it.
Anyways so at 2 I was gonna call Tracey to see if she could go to the mall to buy hair dye with me (this was all planned out yesterday, so the next part isn't phychic or anything sadly) when she called at like, 1:49 to say her mom was back, and did I want to go see a movie.

So then I rushed around like hell, took a quick shower (couldn't wash my hair though...which now looks uber-uber-greasy for not having washed it in 4 days since I kept thinking to go buy hair dye, which most of the time works best on unwashed hair, and then getting sidetracked...a girl in the bathroom washing her hands next to me actually scrunched up her nose when she bumbed into my head, lol) and dressed to be ready by 2.

So anyways I was ready by like, 2:06 and we were off to see War of the Worlds with that (not so) lovable phycho Tom in it. We drove for a really long time, and got to the thearte at like 3:25 (I honestly have no idea where we went, and its the same therate we went to see the last Harry Potter in). Our movie was at 4 so we hung around, and played the arcade a little (but for shame-the thearte had no claw machine!!!) and I got a Hello Kitty mini-mug cause for some reason I always think mini mugs are cool, before I open up the pog and realize what the hell am I supposed to do with a mini mug??
Oh and I got chiken fingers that took way too fucking long for cooking RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME, and were like really crusty and burned me (perhaps they use holy water for cooking there?) so eventually, at like 3:55, after being burned after cutting it up with a knife and fork and having to spit it out, I just gave and threw them away. :(

Lol, but THEN (if you're still reading this, I pity you for having read this all) we saw the movie, which was a lot like a really good video game. Its scary and creepy when you're watching it, cause you're worried about what's going to happen around the next corner, but when its over your first thought is, "Wow...that ending was really implausible".
And it was annoying that it was rated pg-13 cause a bunch of little kids would run by going to the bathroom every 10 minutes (and cause if this doesn't rate an R, what does?) -edit-There are no big spoilers in the comments, but there ARE things you could surmise from them, so maybe if u want to be surprised you shouldn't read them...or reviews, cause a couple I read gave away way too much, and that sucked.

But I got to see the Elizabethtown trailer that made it sound really different from the plot line, but who cares cause Orlando's so gorgeous????? And the King Kong trailer, which worries me a little. An uncharted island with dinosaurs on it? I mean it looks...spectatcular, I just hope it doesn't have too much in common with Jurassic Park.
Also, I forgot to put how when I got bored with nabiscoworld this morning (now last morning) I saw the trailer for the new Pride & Prejudice movie with Kiera Knightley. Which despite my confusion over where the hell Bingley went, looks really good.
And that's about it for today...when I got home I just stayed awake until 8:30 and then I just passed out, before waking up at 1 and not being able to go back to sleep.
I hope everyone's 4th went well!

stolen from myspace user serpititude:
The ten fictional characters I'd be Wlling To Have sex With

1) Han Solo from Star Wars (he was hot when he was young...also, I have been reading WAY too many Han/Leia fics lately
2) Sawyer from Lost (do I need an explanation? Every girl loves a bad boy...)
3) Draco from like Harry Potter 7 (...or an evil boy, you know will turn good. Book 7 so I don't feel like a perv, and in case he does something stupid in half-blood)
4) Lestat from Queen of the Damned, the MOVIE version (anyone see a pattern? Note: I wouldn't want to die from it though...and I'm not sure if its possible for vampires to have sex with humans w/o sucking their blood in Anne Rice world)
5) Boromir from LoTR, movie version (Ok, that was a surprise even to me, but I don't know...I like that he's SO human even though he has a good heart and he's always doing everything for Gonder)
6) Legolas! from LoTR, either version (you didn't think I'd leave out the hottest of them all, did you?)
7) Ryan from The O.C. (I was gonna put down both boys on the list until that damned Adam Brody picture where his skin looks darker, and it looks like he has a beard, and heavier eyebrows. Cause that would make him look like the framed picture Nana has of dad's graduation, and that makes me want to throw-up)
8) Alex from The O.C. (I'm not gay...or bisexual even prolly since I don't like real-life girls, well except this one girl I met over vacation once that hted me, I think...besides the point though, she's really hot)
9) Colin Firth from...whaddaya mean he isn't fictional?! Fine...then Mr.Darcy *sigh* (I LOVE him, and if it wasn't for the fact that Vemeer is real, I'd have put down him too from Girl With A Pearl Earring)
10) Jack from Nightmare Before Christmas, but when he was alive, cause for one thing he techinically can't have sex as a skeleton... (No, I'm not into necro-whatever-its-called, but he was my first major little girl crush, and for that he should be on the list, cause sad as it sounds that movie still makes me swoon at the end...I am such a girl)

A little late, but oh well:

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