
May 08, 2005 11:41

01. Reply with your name and I will write something about you ( Read more... )

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Comments 9

skittle_queen25 May 8 2005, 10:02:09 UTC



albinosblood May 9 2005, 15:05:51 UTC
02. I will then tell what song/movie remind me of you.
Lady in Red

03. If I were to apply an o'clock to you, it would be...
midnight b/c thats when i am most likely to see u

04. I will try to name a single word that best describes you.

05. I'll tell you the most memorable moment I've had with you.
our mallbox

06. I will tell you what animal you remind me of.
piguin b/c they r cute and cuddley

07. I'll then tell you something that I've always wondered about you.
y do u like to tease me sooo much


xxlostxchildxx May 8 2005, 10:32:26 UTC


kamikazeknight May 8 2005, 14:11:08 UTC


albinosblood May 9 2005, 13:17:10 UTC
02. I will then tell what song/movie remind me of you.

03. If I were to apply an o'clock to you, it would be...
2 am b/c while every1 elses minds are dead urs is always working

04. I will try to name a single word that best describes you.

05. I'll tell you the most memorable moment I've had with you.
study motha fucker

06. I will tell you what animal you remind me of.
dolphin simple looking on the outside but the mind is so far advanced from the rest

07. I'll then tell you something that I've always wondered about you.
y would some1 as bright as u not want to love another?


echosidez May 8 2005, 20:53:35 UTC


albinosblood May 9 2005, 15:18:27 UTC
02. I will then tell what song/movie remind me of you.
doesnt matter b/c no matter wat i am doing i am always thinking of you

03. If I were to apply an o'clock to you, it would be...
midnight most mischief done at that time

04. I will try to name a single word that best describes you.

05. I'll tell you the most memorable moment I've had with you.
the way u took me in after that shit with the school happened to me with no questions asked

06. I will tell you what animal you remind me of.
snake.. sly and cunning yet a beautiful creature

07. I'll then tell you something that I've always wondered about you.
how do u do wat u do so fuckin well?


iamspaznatical May 9 2005, 12:37:09 UTC
Pimp Hat?


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