womenlovefest I've decided to post about Maya Herrera.
Maya, along with her twin, travelled from their home of the Dominican Republic, to Venezuela, Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico and then finally to the United Sates.
She trekked through jungles, hunted by the police along the way, having to continually deal with a debilitating ability and the knowledge that there was innocent blood on her hands. Yet she never gave up.
I think the Heroes fandoms hatred towards Maya was the most vicious I'd ever seen. I'd certainly never seen it's like in other fandoms. While she was disliked she did have a few fans, some more vocal then others. I hope they come out of the woodwork again :)
I'll try to post something, be it icons, music, writing, meta as the week goes on but I can't promise that it'll be everyday.