The worldwide masquerade guidelines allow you to start out as high as you like, and will gradually bar you from the lower levels as you win competitions. So more or less, a first time entrant can choose to be novice, journeyman or master, someone who has won a novice contest can enter as journeyman or master, and someone who has won a journeyman or master contest can only be a master.
UK events tend to either do this or have just two categories, open and master. They're often a bit vague about the "previous wins" thing too. Knowing your skill level you'd probably want to enter in a mid to high category.
Comments 2
The worldwide masquerade guidelines allow you to start out as high as you like, and will gradually bar you from the lower levels as you win competitions. So more or less, a first time entrant can choose to be novice, journeyman or master, someone who has won a novice contest can enter as journeyman or master, and someone who has won a journeyman or master contest can only be a master.
UK events tend to either do this or have just two categories, open and master. They're often a bit vague about the "previous wins" thing too. Knowing your skill level you'd probably want to enter in a mid to high category.
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