I'm waiting on insurance for work from Spectrum (where I used to work). I finally have a quote from York-Jersey, and since they took so long I asked OREP who else might provide the necessary insurance. They said, 'I don't know. One of the bigger companies like State Farm?' So I called State Farm who looked into it, and found they don't underwrite policies like that anymore due to an unfavorable history. But my agent recommended a broker friend of his who works for Laughlin Insurance and who called me that same day. He looked into his underwriters and got back to me the next day saying they can definitely underwrite the policy, and they'll draw something up and have it to me by Friday.
Another client is Lender Processing Services Field Services (LPS-FS), who hasn't been returning my calls. I called Kris back at Spectrum to see if I could find a back-door, and she told me they're really hard to get on board with. She offered to give my materials to the powers that be over there, and I've been trying to get in touch with them myself for a week or two. Finally this morning I got in touch with somebody who said things are in the works right now and they're not sure if they'll need me or not. I mentioned that I used to work for Spectrum, and the guy chuckled. (It was always no secret that Spectrum was the superior of the sister companies.) I've mentioned before, but I want to write it again, that all of LPS' work in Nevada used to go through Spectrum instead of LPS-FS, but before I moved here they yanked the carpet from under me and transferred it to LPS-FS. I think now they're wondering if Nevada isn't going to go back to Spectrum to keep the workloads even. My contact said he'd let me know in a few days, likely sometime next week.
The third client is National Vendor Management Services (NVMS), with whom I've registered an account. I don't know much about these guys other than their name and that now I'm apparently affiliated with them, or in their system anyway. They likely don't know much about me. I'm assigned to some contact over there whose outgoing voicemail message says he's out of the office until the 19th but people will be checking his voicemail regularly. I left him a message asking for a call back to introduce myself and provide any other info they may need (and to tell me what the hell it is they do). I haven't received a return call, so I'll wait and call again on Monday.
My last potential client is Field Asset Services. I found the appropriate contact person over there and introduced myself to her yesterday. She said there are a lot of contractors already in my area, so she's not sure if they'll ever need me. I told her I'm better, faster, and less expensive than my competition. She sent me a "quiz" asking some pretty basic questions on property preservation. Most of the stuff I learned my first week at Spectrum, like how many square feet are in an acre (43,560) and how to perform a winterization. I get the impression that they hire a lot of unqualified folks and they don't expect a lot from me. My contact said she'd get back to me within a few days.
Additional (1:15 p.m.): Good news, everyone! FAS called and said they were impressed with my quiz and really want to put me in their database for work. Hooray!
Additional (6:00 p.m.): Further good news, everyone! I orginally estimated contractor's insurance would be $2,200. I alloted $3,000 in my budget just to be safe. I heard back from York-Jersey this morning after a month of calling and emailng with no response. They quoted me $2,700. I heard back from Laughlin Insurance Services tonight, and they quoted me $1,600! Saul with LIS is very friendly and professional, and I'm glad to do business with him. I'm somewhat tempted to go buy meself a shoiny new computer, but perhaps that would be a bit hasty. So maybe instead... drinks all around!
In the meantime, I'm finishing my apartment, checking eHarmony, watching House, playing GTA IV or Rock Band, and learning my new Blackberry. Not a lot of important things have happened personally, so I don't have a lot of vital stuff I want to document in my LJ here. Still, that doesn't stop me from updating with misc. spammy thoughts as they come to me:
1. My Blackberry apparently has differently leveled messages. I have two level-one messages now. That's AWESOME! Now I want it to address me as 'Captain.'
2. I tried to do 50 pushups tonight (1/15) just to prove I could. I got to 32 then threw up in my mouth.