Title: Final Take (December, Take Two Remix)
alby_mangrovesFandom: X-Men First Class
Pairing: Charles/Erik
Rating: PG-13
Media: Pencils
Summary: I don't want to talk anymore," Charles said. "Kiss me."
Notes: For the
xmen_remix madness - for Mabyn and their gorgeous story
December, Take Two AO3 |
TUMBLR _______________________________________________________________________________________
Title: Baby, It's Cold Outside (the Early Winter Remix)
alby_mangrovesFandom: X-Men First Class
Pairing: Charles/Erik
Rating: PG-13
Media: Soft pastels, pencils, watercolour
Summary: The heater in Erik's apartment is broken and he and his roommate, Charles, are freezing. There's only one thing for it.
Notes: For the
xmen_remix - for Arisu and their super cute comic
Early Winter.
AO3 |