Alcawyn: *pounces*
Menelsul: Alcawyn!!! *nuzzlesnibbleshairalmostknocksover*
Alcawyn: *clings to his neck* Hiiiiiiiiiiiii!
Menelsul: I missed you! Dad was running all over the world making babies and I was stuck watching the mommies that were already pregnant and chasing off wolves and things like that and I couldn't come find you and now it's almost winter and Dad says I have to watch the mares while he takes the season off.
Alcawyn: I missed you too! I ran around for a while but was actually in the city the whole time except that my mun is too lazy to do anything with me and so I just sat around and didn't do much of anything at all. *CLING*
Menelsul: Did you meet anyone? Is your mommy still in one piece? Did he get married? I haven't seen Auntie Eomer in forever!
Alcawyn: He did get married! He's married to Fairy God Maia and SHE'S MAKING A BABY BROTHER-OR-SISTER FOR ME!!!
Menelsul: YAY YAY YAY!!! My aunties got married!
Alcawyn: Mommy Lúthien is really really round! *makes hand gesutres* Like this!
Menelsul: *bug-eyed* Really?! You think she would let me visit her?
Alcawyn:I think so! She always liked you bunches.
Menelsul: *dances* I like her bunches too. She gives good scritches and helps people and animals and sings really nice and is pretty.
Alcawyn: And and and she tells good stories! And she makes good cookies.
Menelsul: She does! *musses your hair some more* Are you going to help her with the baby like she helped my mommy?
Alcawyn:I think so! And Daddy will be there or she'll scream at him.
Menelsul: Really?!
Alcawyn:Yeah, she said that it would be bad if he wasn't there. *nod* She says she thinks it's going to be a baby brother.
Menelsul:Will he look like you?
Alcawyn: I dunno! I think he's going to have pointy ears like her.
Menelsul: *perks ears*
Alcawyn: :D Let's go run together!
Menelsul: Okay! *kneels*
Alcawyn: *scrambles up* Yay!
Menelsul: *stands* To Ithilien and back?
Alcawyn: Yeah!
Menelsul: *rockets off*