Mission 101 Fitness Update

Aug 26, 2010 16:06

Thursday, July 29, 2010:

Category 4 - Running

35. 11:00 mile.

I'm not actually sure if this happened on this date because I didn't think I had reached a new goal. I had the time (10:54) written on the same sheet of paper I used for my weight-in (223, 28.9%), and I've been running after yoga classes to maximize flexibility. I actually remember feeling quite discouraged when I ran the time because I ran as hard as I could go and thought that I was at least a minute from my next goal (which seemed unobtainable).

Also, yay yoga.

Friday, July 30, 2010:

I'm sure I did this, but I can't find my notes, and have no recollection.

Monday, August 2, 2010:

Category 6 - Lifting (Deadlift): (Example)

54. 190 lbs. 3 x 8

Pretty much a normal Monday routine. Still think I can move up in the deadlift and 225 lbs. (2 large plates on each side) may be possible. That would be above my current weight.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010:

Went to my yoga class. It was actually pretty intense. Very fast flow this time and lots and lots of upper body stuff and one-leg stuff.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010:

Category 3 - Weight: (Example)

23. 222 lbs.

This is the second time I've weighed in at this level, so I'm counting it as verified. Knowing my history, I will bump up a bit and then drop, etc., so knowing when to "count" this as completed is difficult.

I am also almost certainly past at least one waist measurement goal (40 inches) and possibly two (37 inches) as I am now comfortably wearing size 38 pants. Once I actually measure myself, I might be able to cross out a few more goals.

My body fat came in at 28.9% which I am not counting as 28% (and have edited the list so that all of the body fat percentage goals include a decimal place).

Failed at 100 lbs. on the goblet squat. Failing is actually being kind. This was catestrophic disaster. I could barely manipulate the weight. I'm also making some other tweaks to my workout.

Thursday, August 5, 2010:

Yay yoga!

Friday, August 6, 2010:

Still playing with a Friday workout. Bench press is stagnating, but I'm not going to worry about it.

Monday, August 9, 2010:

Category 6 - Lifting (Deadlift): (Example)

55. 200 lbs. 3 x 8

Getting heavier and harder. I had to switch my grips to complete the reps.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010:

Again, a very fast, hard yoga class. Wonderful and cleansing.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010:

I skipped a workout to hang with some high school friends who were in town. Go me!

Thursday, August 12, 2010:

More yoga goodness. Again a super fast class.

Friday, August 13, 2010:

More playing with my Friday routine. It has to be fast, short, and hit everything.

Monday, August 16, 2010:

Deadlifted 210 lbs. Given my soreness last week, I tried to be more careful about my form, rest a little more, and avoid being dumb. It seemed to work. I doubt, however, I could do 3 x 8 at a higher level. I may take a shot at 1 x my body weight.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010:

A slower yoga class with a bit more deep stretching.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010:

Took another shot at a 100 lb. Goblet Squat (this time with a slightly lighter warm up). I was able to manage 3 x 5, but it was incredibly draining. The hard part is getting the weight up to my chest and holding it steady during the entire exercise - i.e. the sticking point is shoulder and core strength rather than lower body strength.

Thursday, August 19, 2010:

Worth noting: this week has been my worst week for eating in a long time. I've gone out for lunch every day of the week for the grease-filled burritos I usually only get on Fridays. Oh, and sodas. Plus I've been having extra snacks. Just generally not the most productive thing.

Friday, August 20, 2010:

Didn't have time for the full Friday routine. I'll either have to speed up or streamline it.

Monday, August 23, 2010:

I left the house having forgotten to pack a gym shirt. That meant I had to skip my workout. On top of that, above-average eating continued. And I know that I will miss tomorrow for a writing meeting and Friday for a movie. Setbacks seem on the horizon.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010:

Well, at least I walked to the writer's meeting.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010:

Category 5 - Lifting (Bench Press): (Example) (Note: I begin with a neutral grip/hammer grip and end with a normal grip)

41. 150 lbs. 3 x 8

Category 6 - Lifting (Deadlift): (Example)

56. My weight 1 x 1
57. My weight 3 x 8

Goofy fact: I weighed in at a slightly decreased 220 lbs. (a hint that maybe I was right that I had been eating too little).

Given I had missed so much, I figured I should make this a really good workout. So I threw caution to the wind and tried to up my deadlift by 10 lbs. so that I could cross out two more goals. Since my routine was already screwed anyway, I decided not to superset the lift and to take longer rests in between (maybe 90 seconds). Paydirt. It actually wasn't that hard - maybe I need to stop supersetting deadlifts.

Well, I thought, might as well try for a new bench press too. This was more of a struggle, but I managed 3 x 8 and one more goal down.

Elapsed Time Since June 11, 2010: 76 days (7.592%)
Total Completed: 21 of 101 (20.792%)

nutrition, mission 101, goals, fitness

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