I've only been here a few months, but this community has meant a lot to me in that brief time.
Some of you have heard me mention working a lot. I put in 80+ hours a week at my home computer as a medical transcriptionist and will be doing so until September/October-ish. It's hard work, and the hours I keep mean that I rarely leave my house and hardly ever see my friends.
Granted, I'm saving towards an important goal, I know there's an end in sight, and I can take heart in seeing my progress. I can work with cheer and determination, knowing that, but sometimes I feel exhausted and lonesome nonetheless.
Reading posts, swapping imps, getting new smellies and little treats and seeing the bit of joy that my own packages provide - it's a small distraction, but one I've come to treasure. (Hell, going to the post office gets me to actually leave my house!)
I love that BPAL descriptions have introduced me to new and wonderful works of literature (I had never read Baudelaire until BPAL). I love that both BPAL and the community/forum members are so open to other faiths and traditions; I love that the loa have as many imps as I do now! I love that I have imps for different moods, purposes, and rituals. I especially love that several BPAL scents have helped me in my composition work (two so far, Kostnice and City in the Sea, have their own songs :) ), and have helped me de-stress and sleep a little better.
And I love that BPAL just smells so damn good. :P
So, thanks for filling the long hours with smiles and scents, and I'll see you all on sinandsalvation. :)