Name: Malathyne, Mala, etc.
Age: 19, turning 20 in early August
Contact Info:
spiralstarfallEmail: when.all.your.dreams.come.true at gmail
AIM: ThineMalathyne
Name: Rikku
Age: 15 (the age she was in FFX)
Clan: Grimmlyor
Physical Description:
Rikku has very green eyes and very blonde hair (not white blonde, but yellow blonde) that she keeps at shoulder-length. She normally wears her hair up, one way or another. Her preferred style is a high poof of a ponytail, since she considers making proper buns that won't fall apart too much of a hassle -- it's easier for her to throw up a ponytail. If she gets bored enough, she'll braid her hair, but if she does it, she has to have lots of beads and feathers and other fun things to put in it.
As the daughter of the chief of Grimmlyor, it's not too hard for her to get her hands on dyed clothes. Rikku'll wear the typical long dress-and-tunic (usually in greens and oranges, yellow if she can manage)... if she has to. She prefers wearing woolen breeches like a boy because they're easier to run in, daughter of the chief or not. Whatever she's wearing, though, you can bet that it'll be adorned in beads and brooches and feathers and anything colorful and shiny and fun. Her train, whenever she wears it, is covered in beads, so you'll hear her before you see her.
Okay, let's be honest -- Rikku has a lot of growing up to do, and she is rather well-known for not acting her age. There's a good bit of the whiny little girl in her, and it shows in the way she banters and jumps around and tries to wheedle her way into getting what she wants. She'll even admit she's still a kid, and she wants to be a kid, and she likes it, thankyouverymuch. Rikku is bright and energetic -- as in, she can't sit still. The girl is always moving, tapping her foot or twisting her braid around a finger or fidgeting with a bit of tool she nicked when no one was looking. When she's talking, she might be dancing around you, or she might be hopping in place or gesturing wildly to add effects to her story. It's hard to say if it's nervous energy or something else entirely.
Rikku wears her heart on her sleeve -- She smiles when she's happy, dances to the fun music in her head, throws fits when she's angry, cries when she's hurt, fights when she's got something to protect. Some would say she hasn't learned any restraint, but it's more like she is honestly and unashamedly herself, and that's who she is -- an open, emotional person. Her mood seems to be permanently optimistic, and it looks as though she bounces back easily from difficulties.
She is also quite mischievous and playful. She loves running and joking around and pulling pranks on people, such as stealing something only to place it on the opposite side of the village. She doesn't do it out of maliciousness, and it's not like she takes anything important, she just wants to have some fun! Plus, she gets bored easy, and when Rikku gets bored, that means she gets into trouble.
Overall, she seems like an easy person to understand and read -- Well, as soon as you think that, you'll find that you're wrong.
Just because she's always bouncing around and her logic seems to jump from point A to point Christmas tree to point Schrodinger's cat, it isn't necessarily safe to assume that she's not grounded. Rikku surprisingly has her feet on the ground more than people think is even possible, and she is also more mature than it would seem. There is a lot more thinking and considering going on in that head of hers than anyone realizes, and it's when she digs her heels in and stands her ground that she really takes people by surprise. Her arguments are founded not in inane babblings or nonsensical connections, but in heartfelt logic. It's also in these moments that people realize that she's worked with tools all her life, and she can't fix fishing nets or invent new devices if she's a complete airhead, now can she? She's smart, just a bit derphappy.
When she sits down to list all her friends, listeners have a tendency to be surprised if they know who she's talking about -- She unexpectedly has the uncanny ability to make really good friends with people who are her polar opposites. And when asked who her best friend is? Rikku'll just shrug. How can she pick? She loves everyone equally. She understands that each and every bond she has is unique and special between them and them alone, and she treasures every single one. Rikku will throw around unconditional love as if she has a never-ending supply of it, and she's young enough that she hasn't been hurt by it yet. She'll learn about trust and heartbreak the hard way, she's been told, but she's not going to change until she gets hurt. Rikku cares about everyone, not just those close to her, not just those in her clan (though she is especially protective of them; family means everything to her, and her clan is her family, too). She has a big heart, and it goes out to anyone and everyone in need. It isn't uncommon for her to go out of her way to help someone just because they need it, offering smiles and laughter all the while.
She is also quite independent, despite how young she is. She thinks for herself, makes her own decisions, stands on her own two feet, and all very proudly, too. She may be young, but she likes to think that she can take care of herself. She also prides herself on her ability to pick herself up and dust herself off. She is very aware of her reputation as the cheerful one, and though she has a hard time keeping her head when the world is crashing down around her, in the aftermath she tries her hardest to honestly smile and laugh for the sake of others -- because, after all, if there's someone smiling and trying to see the good in what's happened, then maybe everyone else will see it, too. But her smiles aren't fake -- She always finds something to really smile about, even if it's something small. "Yeah, even trivial things are okay," she says in her Japanese monologue in the vocal collection for Final Fantasy X, "so if it can make you smile, you'll gain a little feeling, you know? Yeah, that's it! It's kind of like an oasis. At first, it's small, but if it really spreads, even the desert can drink it in. No, it doesn't mean to force yourself to smile, it means you should do it naturally. That's hard to do when you've given in, but, you know... I'm always thinking, 'If I could start it off, that would be great!' In the beginning, it's a small smile. If I'm with everyone, wherever we go, it'll become huge, and then someday, it'll spread to all of [the world]. That's my dream!"
On the other side of her independence, Rikku has a habit of defining herself and her purpose by the people she's with. She will find herself a role in her group of people and she will throw herself into it whole-heartedly... and then when she loses that group, one way or another, she finds herself suddenly restless and lost. She will then do everything she can to keep herself busy, since she cannot stand, well, standing still and doing nothing. Her mind always has to be occupied, so she'll run around and do little random things, helping people out, putting on a show of being bright and energetic because it's expected of her and it's who she normally, naturally is... but, like any young teenager, she still doesn't know who she is, and by running around aimlessly like that, she just finds herself "
feel[ing] like [she's] burning [herself] out at both ends without budging an inch forward." Her biggest inner challenge isn't so much to find herself -- she knows who she is; she's Rikku! -- but more like what she wants to do with her life and what her purpose is. She knows she wants to help the people she loves most, as well as everyone around her, but she just isn't quite sure how yet.
This can be extremely frustrating for her, and when she gets pushed far enough, her energy explodes forth and she rashly lashes out, saying everything that's on her mind, even the mean little thoughts that she doesn't really mean and would normally keep to herself. In her anger, she can be petty, and it is perhaps here that her youth shines through. When she is at her most vulnerable, Rikku is just a lost little girl who wants to be important but doesn't know how.
At the end of the day, under all the energy and the logic, there's the softer Rikku -- the gentler Rikku, the sensitive girl who, more than anything, wants love and acceptance and a place to be happy with the people she cares about. She holds family and home very dear to her heart, and when anything threatens that, she rises up to defend it fiercely. Just because she's young and childish at times doesn't mean she isn't going to stand up for what she thinks is right, doesn't mean she's going to sit by and watch her friends and family get hurt. She's small, but she intends to fight with every fiber of her body until things change. She wants to take care of Her People, and in that determination, she can be more mature than people expect.
Strengths/Abilities: If it's broke, chances are, Rikku can fix it. She loves tinkering around with tools and anything technology, and she definitely has a knack for it. She's the kind of kid who'll take something apart just to put it back together again because she's bored and it's sitting around in her room. She also has a bit of an inventor's streak in her, though not so much that she creates completely new things from scratch. It's more that she takes what's available and combines it all cleverly to make something useful that solves whatever problem is at hand.
She's pretty in shape, as she loves to go running, just to do it, so her legs are pretty strong -- and she has a mean kick. She's pretty good with small, light weapons, like knives and claws, but she doesn't have the best accuracy with them, so if she tries throwing them... If you're in the room, duck.
Weaknesses: She's terrified of lightning? Also, she doesn't have a lot of strength, so she's not quite so good at fighting. She has more arm strength than one would expect in that she can pick up heavy stuff and lug it across the room, but there's no way in hell she could ever properly swing an axe, and she's way too short to use a spear.
Rikku is the daughter of the chief of Grimmlyor, making her the clan's "princess"... even though she doesn't exactly act like one. Ever since she was little, she was known in the tribe to be a handful, but that was part of her charm. She would run around and get her hands into everything she could. Rikku was a curious kid, and she always wanted to know more more more! Because of her animated all-over-the-place nature, it's more like Rikku was raised by the village, not just her parents. She picked up a lesson here, a lesson there, and by the time she was ten, she knew bits of pieces of everything she'd need to know to help out around the village. She was especially keen on learning more from the blacksmith... and that was the start of her knack for technology and tools.
She never had any problems making friends; her open, cheerful personality lends her to being friendly and social. She's tried her best to be friends with everyone in the village, though it hasn't always worked out for her at first. If someone tried to pick a fight with her, she's pick a fight right back, and there've been a handful of scuffles she's gotten into with the odd kid who tried to start something with her or someone she was trying to look out for. Rikku's never been the sort to allow bullying, and she always stepped in if it was happening and try to sort things out, even if it meant kicking the bully around a bit.
Like any kid in Grimmlyor, Rikku learned how to swim at an early age, and she's a natural in the water. She's done her best to practice a lot so she can move fast and easy through the water -- that way, she can better help out with the boats!
Despite being fifteen, she still hasn't caught her dragon -- and she would say it's because she's been so busy looking after the village. She takes her role as "princess" seriously, despite not being very girly about it. But she also says that she's going out to catch one soon, just to prove that she can. After all, she's Rikku! She can catch a dragon, easy! Just you wait and see!
Not caught yet! Rikku has been waiting for the perfect dragon to come along, and this is the info on the one she'll eventually catch.
Name: Ghiki
Breed: Meiordreki
Brief Description: Average size for a male meiordreki (ten feet). Bright green with bright yellow-and-orange wings that have a touch of blue. Eyes are also blue.
Brief Personality: Ghiki is as curious and friendly as Rikku is, always wanting to know "Ooh, what's that? No, wait, what's that? What's that?" He'll be pretty new to the whole human village thing, so he won't know what the heck is going on and he'll want to, since out in the forest, not knowing your surroundings means not surviving. He's very intelligent, and like any smart animal, if he doesn't have something to occupy himself, he'll find something to do, and what may seem fun and innocent to him probably equals trouble for everyone else. He'll sadface hardcore if he gets scolded, though (He doesn't want to be a bad dragon! He wants to be a good dragon!), and if he ever realizes the power of his puppy eyes, he's smart enough that he'd figure out that he could use them to his advantage. He's a very affectionate thing, always willing to cuddle up next to somebody who looks like they need a hug.
Compatibility: Meiordrekis are said to be "quite friendly," and any dragon Rikku would have must be friendly, or at the very least willing to share his human. A smaller dragon is also more suiting for Rikku, as hilarious as it would be for her to be riding around a giant Raudreki, since her size and energy is iconic to her character. Even though the Meiordreki is a tree dragon and not a water one, it would be more than capable to run around with her as she helps out with the village. She's on the ground more than she's in the water, anyway.
Ghiki's "get into everything ever" behavior will help teach Rikku responsibility... and she'll also realize what everyone else has had to go through with her. It'll be like being a mom, or like getting a new puppy. ... a very smart puppy that can glide.
It's not quite clear how Rikku will catch Ghiki yet, but she's got some time to figure it out. It'll probably involve bribery, food, and bickering, though.
Third-Person Sample
The problem with living by the water is that when it storms, it's not just a little storm. You know, just a few thunder-booms and then it's done. Noooooo, the storms are big. Huge-mungous! Shake-your-house-to-the-ground thunder! Lightning that splits the sky! Rain that will wash away the trees!
Everyone always tells Rikku that she's exaggerating, but she is so totally not.
She was outside when it started, and do you know how bad the wind was? Do you know how bad the wind was? It almost blew her away, that's how bad the wind was! It's like it just wanted to pick her up like a leaf and carry her out to sea, just like that! Whooooshhh! This storm means business, and she swears it's out to get her. Seriously! Stop looking at her like that! It's true, okay?!
Rikku huddles on her bed in a nest of blankets, and all that's visible is a poof of hair that is her ponytail and two wide green eyes. Ghiki looks at her, head tilted. Thunder roars again and Rikku lets out a shrill squeak. Ghiki swishes his tail. He's never understood this. Humans are just weird, he guesses. What's so scary? He scratches under his chin with a hindfoot before turning in a circle and settling down with a sigh. Look, see? If he's not worried about the storm, she shouldn't be, either. But she doesn't seem to get it, because she's still pouting at him. Another rumble of thunder sends her diving under the blankets, completely hidden this time, and Ghiki sighs again, moving closer so he can lay a wing across her.