No awkward silences, no hiding any truth.

Dec 07, 2005 10:25

The papers were signed and filed yesterday. After "trying" for about a month, I guess it's not going to work ( Read more... )

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Comments 9

imgreen December 7 2005, 07:44:44 UTC
I'm sorry, Jameson

it's so hard to deal with your parents being totally different people than you thought they were, isn't it? I STILL have a hard time talking to my dad. so yeah.


alcoholandoxygn December 8 2005, 18:49:33 UTC
What was craziest was the flip flop from everyone being pissed off at my dad, and now everyone seems to be pissed off at my mom, and my dad's the good guy.


marydeath December 7 2005, 08:08:37 UTC
may I extend a hearty welcome (and one of those, if you ever need to talk about it to someone... I mean, really)


alcoholandoxygn December 8 2005, 18:51:17 UTC
Does this club have benefits?


marydeath December 9 2005, 05:01:16 UTC


athazagoraphobe December 7 2005, 13:10:03 UTC
Are you serious, I would never have thought that would happen between them. I'm sorry man.


alcoholandoxygn December 8 2005, 18:47:27 UTC
As long as you're still going to make taco shells, everything will be fine.


dover_hills December 8 2005, 18:38:48 UTC
sorry dude


alcoholandoxygn December 8 2005, 18:48:18 UTC
You should come eat burritos in San Diego, that's what you should do.


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