SN 4.22- OMG

May 14, 2009 21:37

Why hello brain! What are you doing over there on the floor? What's that? Kripke broke you? He did everything you've been waiting for over two years to happen? Except instead of averting the Apocalypse, he actually went there, full speed ahead? And kept the boys in character? And finally showed what a conniving b*tch Ruby's been for the past two years and killed her off? And let Bobby kick Dean's ass into gear, be the father he needs, AND survive to see the next season?!? What an awesome ride...

I feel for the first time since the first season like I have no idea what will happen when they come back after the summer. How are they going to do the apocalypse on their budget? We're already down to no music. I really wish they could do a bit of circling of the horses and bring some old characters back, but I don't actually see that happening either. ETA: Oh, and I want to see Chuck again sometime next year. Maybe to have Dean bust up his computer and throw it out the window because Dean is the author of his own destiny, %$*@#$!

What do you guys want to see next year?


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