remember that jump program in the first matrix movie? if it were really just a made up world, rather than jumping and defying gravity, why couldn't they just have manipulated time and space? hmmm... probably why morpheus said that "some" rules can be bent and "others" broken. wonder why couldn't it be "everything".
huh, most of you have probably thought about stuffs like that right after seeing it the first time. just shows how slow i am. haha. but, slow as i may be, i learn things my own way. :p
it's a nice coinkidink that the movie is on since i wanted to write something about illusions. i've been wanting to since i saw the xxxholic series. now that i've started reading the manga, it just pushed me onto writing about what's been in my head for a while.
let me ask you this, have you guys ever reached/passed this state where you see everything as an illusion? because right now i seem to be stuck in this plane, and i don't think i want to move.
how i came to headbutt with reality is quite entertaining. i'm an atheist. some months ago i had the chance to talk about atheism on a message board/forum. i said that there is no god because there is no good or bad. boy, did that open up a can of worms. all in all, it was quite the experience. i had fun broadcasting my thoughts for a while. ^^
nhoo... after that, i started to ask more questions. first, it was just like "what is good? what is bad?". they don't exist. they're just words used by humans for things that are beneficial and non-beneficial for them. the next big question that kept playing in my mind was, do i exist? first question that i had was "to whom?". do i exist to my cousins? yes. do i exist to my co-workers? yes. do i exist to that stranger that's sitting right across me in the train? yes. so, even if one does not know my name, i can exist to them. BUT... do i exist to someone in sweden? to a boy sitting on a chair at eight in the morning having his breakfast with his mom somewhere in spain? answer to both is no. so what does it take to exist? one must be seen? so i can never exist to someone who is blind then. to be heard? im nothing to a deaf person. ah, to be touched maybe? again, to someone who lives a million miles away i may as well just be a picture on a paper. maybe it's the combination of it all. then, it hit me. EVERYTHING THAT IS YOU IS BY MAN. everyone is subjected to what others say. right is what the general population think is right. and reality is what they say it is. existence is one big baloney.
WORDS. the most powerful invention by man. think about it. a flower, a tree, the air, the sea, the stars, the moon, the atoms, the molecules, sound... all of it... been there before man. we just applied labels to them. with that thought, i got to this plane. remove man, and nothing exists. a flower will sway to the wind without us. the sun shall keep rising, the stars will keep playing with the moon... even without their names, they'll continue on. they'll exist. and it all made sense to me. for everything to make sense, nothing should make sense. all is but an illusion.
"This is the monstrosity in love, lady, that the will is infinite and the execution confined; that the desire is boundless, and the act a slave to limit." - shakespeare
one thing that i'm convinced is real, is love. nothing can be more real than that.