Okay, so I asked for a new seat on Friday. Thank god, Sensei was already planning on making a new seating chart for Monday, and we had free seating on Friday, anyways, 'cause it was Oral Interview and we were watching a movie. Granted, the movie sucked, but it gave me an excuse to sit with Sarah and my twin-- far, far away from Adam. So that was awesome. ... 'Til, at the end of class, he insisted once more, "I'm not scary!"
As for why he did this after a couple days without this?? Well...
At the very beginning of class, I walked right up to Sensei. "What's Adam's last name?" It was exactly what I thought it was (wanted to be sure). "Arigatou. Can I have a new seat?" Then he informed me of how we were already getting new seats on Monday, so gleeful smile there. And... a couple minutes later, class hadn't yet started (I always gets to class early by habit), and Sensei walked up to me where I was sitting with Sarah and my sister, and asked why I so desperately wanted a new seat. I'll admit, I was outrageously obvious in my glee. And pathetically desperate when I asked for a new seat. "I like to call it sexual harassment," was my prompt reply, and he left me alone after that
The last of the Oral Interviews got finished up, and the sucky movie ended. And then Adam was mysteriously called back to Sensei's desk. Then he came back. Then, at the end of class, "I'm not scary", so I think we can all assume on that front
Anyways, I got an awesome new seat on Monday. Adam stayed in his little windowless corner, and while I'm still on the same side of the room, I'm at the complete opposite end-- right by the windows (I love the windows!!). Now, we're all in groups of two, so my seat partner is Sam, and on my other side in the next group over is Ali. They're both actually quite nice to me, and leave me be when I'm reading. Which is nice. And neither of them enjoy associating with the senior, either; they were also both in my period both semesters last year in First Year Japanese. In other words!-- Adam has absolutely no reason whatsoever to talk to me without getting into trouble ^^ Tee hee happy day I'm bouncing with glee
Well, at least I thought that would be the end of it. Guess my optimism got the best of me
For some odd reason, after my sister told Adam off and they hand a stand-off for a couple days, they went back to being friends O.o Which was fine at the time. This began before the sexual harassment was serious on my end. In her zero hour, he likes to hang out with her, Emily, Ceresa, and Sarah. Huh. A senior boy. Hanging out with sophomore girls. Anyone else see something wrong with this picture?? But whatever. It's her life. She can screw it up as long as it doesn't affect me. Except it does
He keeps asking her for my phone number. She keeps not giving it. Thank you, twin, I love you. However, you're still contributing to the problem
I told you about how Adam accused me of liking Zach after I sat next to him for... a flipping half hour... So, yeah. He won't let that go. And now he and my sister are back to their several hundred texts and he keeps insisting that I like Zach, and that Zach likes me, and so-on. I don't know about Zach-- nor do I give a damn-- but I could really care less. He's just the guy I sat next to for 4th period. I care as much about him as I do the guy I sit next to in Algebra whose name I don't even know. So you can see the extent of my bother for any member of the male species at this point (besides Adam, who's steadily climbing up from apathy towards... less than congenial emotions-- such as hatred). But he keeps insisting this to my sister in these texts. And she'll spend ten minutes just trying to convince him that I. am. not. interested. I had a boyfriend once for five days, he scared the hell outta me (and he didn't even do anything!!) and I dumped him at the dance he took me to for my first ever date. Oh, you can bet I felt guilty about just being so abruptly mean, but I don't regret doing that. He was a nice guy, but he never rose above my ever pervasive apathy, that of which is not very condusive towards forming any sort of... below surface-level relationship. So, I just decided he'd be better of if I broke his heart then, rather than later. Get it over with sooner so it's done (that's my personal policy, honestly). Anyways, back to the subject. So, she'll finally convince Adam that I really don't care about Zach. I sat next to him. Big deal. They're assigned seats, you asshole. And because he still won't shut up about it, "And if Zach has any feelings for her, you can bet they aren't reciprocated." She even had me spellcheck that text for her! She spelled reciprocated correctly ^^ And, he finally shut up about the subject and they moved on to new topics
But the point is that he's harassing me via her. And she's still talking to him. Despite the fact that he won't leave me alone, and has now resorted to using her to get to me, as well!
So, today, my mother outright ordered her not to talk to him anymore. She's been weaning off the texts for about two days, anyways, and decreasing the number of verbals words spoken with him, by my request, already, so she's already well on her way to that. Hopefully.
So we got new seats on Monday, and he's been unable to so much as talk to me as a result. Therefore, the harassment via twin -_- But, it's progress
Until today, when we moved right back to square one
Sensei decided to do what I refer to as Random Work. Which basically consists of everyone wandering around the room speaking Japanese to each other. Half of us had these little cards we made, and I got to draw two geisha, one who's chipper, another who's not, and my word was "akarui", which can mean cheerful or bright. My card was cheerful, as you may have guessed. But that's beside the point! Anyways, we had to wander around the room going all "Akarui desu ne," and then the person would reply, "Iie, akarukunai desu yo." And so-on. Not really all that hard. So I wandered around the room doing just this for the first couple minutes, targetting anyone who'd respond (besides Adam). And it went well. So I wandered over to my little group-- the only girls in the class: my sister, Miranda, Sarah, Arianna, and Emily (different Emily; this one's a junior). And we just messed around and made little jokes about each other's cards, particularly my sister's. She had "omoshiroi" which means "interesting", so she drew the Undertaker and Ciel from Kuroshitsuji. Yeah, that was certainly entertaining. And we were having lots of fun with that. 'Til Adam came over. He came straight for me, and was about to say the sentence for his card, so I spun around and went and asked my sentence of Arianna. Who promptly replied. Then Adam came over again. I wheeled around once more and went over to Miranda, asked my sentence, Adam showed up. So I wheeled around once more! I went over to Sarah, and she in the middle of saying her sentence to me when Adam suddenly dropped his card over her head, and in front of her card, and started saying his sentence. Asshole, much? Do I have to be any more obvious? Sarah turns around and chews him out, goin' all "She's purposely avoiding you, so leave her alone," the angel. I love you Sarah! But he still couldn't get a clue, so then I butted in with a snappy, "Go away. Can't you tell I'm avoiding you with every fiber of my being? Go away. Go away now." Ah~ I've been wanting to say that since the first day we met! I don't know why, but I knew from the start that something like this might happen. And I've been itching to say those words for over two months! Finally~! Only... "You're an ass." This was his prompt response before stalking off, although I managed to stick in a snooty, "Call me an ass, then, I don't care." I'm glad I got that in. Honestly, I am so desensitized to people calling me an ass or a bitch or "the smart girl" while telling me to jump off a bridge... I have been tormented my entire life by bullies, boys in particular. At least girls are subtle and eventually leave you alone XP But boys... I have great reason to fear the male race, honestly. In 4th grade, for instance, when I broke my arm, almost every single day, Richard Wallace tormented me over it. Nonstop. Nonstop!! I wanted to rip his head off for all the lurid shit that spewed out of his mouth. GOD how I would've loved to! But I didn't. I just quietly let my hatred for him simmer and simmer and simmer, and even though I'm in 10th grade now, I still hate him with every fiber of my being. My hatred of Richard is second only to Yancy, my bone doctor from that same time. He... I hope he dies a slow painful death -_- Less than a month after I broke both bones in my right arm, and I've never been a fast healer, he decides, "Let's take that cast off and do a castless X-ray, even though we've been getting perfect ones even with it on!" And so, as I screamed and sobbed, he slowly cut the cast off my withered, broken arm, my mom watching with tears in her eyes, fingernail caught between her teeth as I struggled not to kick the ass in the nuts. You know what that asshole did? He broke what little cartilage had begun to heal over the break, that's what he did. And even after he cut it off and I was sobbing uncontrollably, he still made me get an X-ray. And then he didn't give it to us 'til over a year later 'cause he realized what he'd done -_- Again. I hope he dies a slow... painful... death... I used to draw picture of him dying. It was a wonderful outlet, really. I'd draw him impaled, being eaten by a lion, drowning, head spontaneously exploding, drowning, torn limb from limb by sharks-- oh you can't imagine how many ways I drew him dying! That is the extent of my hatred for him! And that is how you may gage my hatred of Adam. Yancy's my most hated being. Richard second. Adam third. That's some pretty serious hatred, mind you. And he has the gall to call me. an. ass. Fine. Call me an ass. I really don't give a fuck. If that's what it'll take for you to leave me alone, then-- by all means!!-- please do
So... I just needed to get that outta my system. Sorry for ranting again. I've just been so frustrated by all this... And, despite my optimism being consistenly disproved, I still hope that my telling him off'll make him leave me alone. He stopped harassing my sister after she yelled at him. Granted, they then became friends again, but I'm not much of a forgiver, as you can tell
Honestly, he picked the wrong girl to harass. My parents aren't in the least worried I'll have a mental breakdown or anything over this, despite my huge quanity of fears all directly correlating to this subject. Fear of being touched, stalked, men in general, teenaged boys in general, etc. He his hittin' me on so many fear levels, but I won't break. I have been tormented my entire. life. This is nothing in comparison wtih all that. Not to make you pity me. And not to encourage bullying. But I am certainly mentally tougher than most girls my age because of it. I'll survive. And he'll leave me alone, no matter what it takes
Oh, and in case you wanna screw up his life for me, be my guest ^^ His name is Adam Wight, and he is a senior at University Place School District's Curtis High School. If his identity gets stolen... oops ^-^