I'm scared

Nov 01, 2020 22:56

I'm scared
(по мотивам J'ai Peur на музыку Ж.Пресгурвика)

You with whom I tag along,
Whom I avoided for so long,
Hear me who can’t translate the song
Without making it my own.
Let’s speak of the most dreadful things,
Of centipedes and memories.
The next 3 minutes, I believe,
I’ll wear my fears on a sleeve.

I'm scared, I'm scared
That a person and a half I only love get dead,
And my illnesses get worse
To a point of no reverse,
I'm scared, I'm scared.
I'm scared, I'm scared, I'm scared
My Higher Self decides
I failed, and I missed all the signs,
And everyone I know
Shakes their head, “I told you so.”

I’m scared, I’m scared
I won’t care about the things I only thought I cared,
That what I believe is fake,
That my muses take a break,
I'm scared, I'm scared.
I'm scared, I'm scared, I'm scared
Of death kidnapping you like that (*finger snap*),
Of being heard and read,
That a glimpse of better life
Disappears with a laugh.

I’m scared, I’m scared
The only thing I do is stay forever scared,
Never see my Fox in print,
Never have another dream,
I'm scared, I'm scared.
I'm scared, I'm scared, I'm scared
To lose myself while I upgrade,
To live like Mom and Dad,
To go back where I’ve been
And from the top begin.


конструктор пресгурвика, in english, лисьи тексты без лисьего пения, песни на лисьи тексты

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