Tue, 19:15: RT @ kuddlepup: Hi folks. There's something on my mind, and I'd like to go ahead and post it. Please forgive the rambling, but it's a seri…
Tue, 19:24: A pudgy Pip Stork with moving beak, blinking eyes and arm/wings with just the right feather length and texture to make wind noises when they flap and to glomp people with. https://t.
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Mon, 00:01: RT @ sertralion: ❗️Artists: Put "do not use AI to alter the final artwork in any way shape or form" in your TOS. We'll permanently blacklist…
Sat, 20:34: I got curious about ChatGPT, so I tried to register. They won't send a verification code by vocal message to my landline. Screw them. I am NOT spending 600$+/year to validate some occasional website registrations! I'd rather stay smartphone-free, it's cheaper!
Tue, 19:55: I just realized I'm out of new jeans. Seems I didn't hoard enough last time I went to a sale. The problem is, there's no more Sears or Zellers around to buy more. I don't want to go to Wal-Marde.