Among all the new year's show Glee is the one that stole my heart <3
Great pilot *clap*
It's something new and refreshing!
I like Rachel,she seems an hell of a character and I'd not mind see her with Finn :P
I can't wait for the next episode!
I hate the blond chick,Quinn. And the all the cheerleaders & their coach. They're funny but I freaking hate them.
Rachel is a very complicate character,I like her! I still haven't figured out Finn yet. I really liked the kiss and their other scenes <3 Bring one more!
Will&Emma,something tells me it's not over LOL
Awesome episode!
Mercedes is awesome! I really liked her&Kurt's interaction,they have an interesting friendship.
Terri is so screwed I dunno how she'll do with this fake pregnancy LOL
The Cheerios failed *evil_lol*
Rachel is just great! Loved her speech about the Glee and its special kids <3
Little RF moment *sigh*
The episode was freaking hilarious. The Acafellas were great! Can't wait for more!
I liked this episode too.
The players dancing All the single ladies during the game was priceless ROTFL
I really liked Kurt,I didn't think he could pulled off both,glad to be wrong.
Terry is crazier than usual,now she wants Quinn's baby O.o
I didn't see Quinn's pregnancy coming! But I knew right away it wasn't Finn. So now she is a lying bitch too,awesome.
I hope Puck ran her out,I hope he will soon,Finn deserve to know the truth.
I wanted to hug Finn the all time,even if he doesn't want this kid he stepped up and acting like a man :(
Rachel quitted the GC,I almost expected it,I hope she comes back soon though. I get that she wants all the solos but she is in a club not in her own musical. Maybe Finn will make her come around <3
The Rhodes Not Taken:
Man this show gets better every week!
I loved the episode!
The GC is no GC without Rachel,I'm glad she's back and a little less "star" :P
April was insane but she an hell of voice *clap*
OMG did they really not figure out that Quinn was pregnant? LMAO
Kurt and his Bambi ROTFL
I loved Rachel&Finn's date but I wish he would have just been honest with her about the club. I mean it's obvious he feels something for her and she for him but he shouldn't have taken that road. He is better than that,and she deserve better than that.
The ending....just chills *thud*