well, im finally back from portland and i suppose some of you might like to read about it. and i need to write about it, so that i wont forget of course. there were many stages of nervous that i went through along the trip. the worst might have been waiting to get on the plane, and while we were flying. again, it was bad while landing. the last time, was on the bus ride up to the college. the first thing that happened after getting of the plane was breakfast with lacey. (without whos help i might not have even made it downtown properly, and i owe her many many thanks) after deliborating over what to eat, and then not finding what we wanted, a breakfast of mexican was decided upon; eaten while aboard the max line of course, because im a busy art-man. once downtown, it was only a short cold wait until the raz bus showed up to take me up to lewis and clark. after saying goodbye to my friend and guide, i lept onto the bus for further parts unknown. i got off the bus too soon (only the first of my bus troubles) but i was able to find my way to ivorys room without incident, other than her not being in it. so after dropping my stuff in said room (her roommate was there) i went on a hunt for the elusive ivory. thankfully quickly finding her standing on a balcony overlooking the rest of the campus. i wish i could come up with the right sort of words to discribe just how i felt the first time our eyes met, but nothing i could say would come close. ill leave it to that we both know how it felt, as i cant do it justice. the next few hours were wonderful; exploring campus, finding my room, and talking about all of the things we had missed out on. while skipping a few details, the next major event was going shopping with ivory all around nw burnside. going to lots of old vintage clothing stores and record stores. we saw lots we couldnt afford, and even bought a little too. i got a couple new pairs of pants, and ivory a new dress. all very sassy. and the pants even make my ass look good, which is a first for me. haha. the next, was going to see q and not u, el guapo, and wet confetti. and they were all fucking amazing. im not sure what more to say, other than i have never rocked my ass as hard. i didnt have my 35mm with me, so the pictures arent my usual quality, but i do have some digitial that i will be posting later. its been years since ive had that much fun at a show, and the whole night was wonderful. exploring ne burnside and its amazing nightlife, along with italan food, drunken angry bums, crying babies, gilato, and then topped with the amazing show. and of course catching the bus back with some of ivorys super nice school mates. the next major event was a day spent on hawthorne, the east side of town. another amazing place, full of sassy clothes, sassy hair, and sassy kids. speaking of which, ivory got her hair cut there and it looked (and looks) wonderful. we also picked up a new shirt at theredlight, which was insane because halloween was the next day. but it was still a lot of fun to explore the store, and its given me a few new ideas to make some money and explore my art. we also went to see a couple movies, both of which were wonderful. the first was 'what the @#! do we know' which was..good. but i would recomend 'waking life' over it any day. which anyone reading this should go see, if they havent already seen it. the second was the 'motorcycle diaries' and it was so much better than i expected. i worried (as did ivory) that it would be nothing more than a movie protraying che as something more than he was. and it was subtiteld, which gave the movie a much more authentic feel. after the movies, and sometimes before, was dinner. three places come to mind that we went to. the first was a little italian pizza place, kind of small, but the food was great. secondly, was typhoon. not the best thai ive ever had..but its up there. and lastly was.....i forget the name; more italan food, but this place was more authentic and fancy, and it was in the pearl. the food was amazing, even if the dish i got was really spicy. another noteworthy event was going to pnca (the school i will be attending in two months!!!) and getting officially signed up for it. we also wandered around their gallery for a while, and were awed by the amazing work on display. all the more encourangment for me to go. i cant wait to sign up for classes. sigh, im getting really sleepy. and thats all i can think of now, if anyone can think of anything else i need to mention, just remind me. and there will be pictures posted tomorrow sometime if anyone is interisted. theend!