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Comments 18

lasamy February 22 2008, 14:38:21 UTC
I just. ugh. I can't stand it! I can't stand her. Better, I HATE her. As time passes, more and more.
non l'ho ancora visto ma credo che stasera starò incazzata allo stesso livello...so già un po' la trama e...DIOQUANTOLAODIO =.='


alemyrddin February 22 2008, 17:42:32 UTC
eh. Ti consiglio di tenerti pronto o un altro film/episodio di tuo gradimento oppure un vecchio piatto da tirare contro il muro. E la cosa tremenda è che gli autori sembrano pensare che la dobbiamo trovare simpatica. :(


janie_tangerine February 22 2008, 14:40:26 UTC
Highlights of the episode? almost-naked Sawyer and Jack in a leather jacket. Both were a bit tainted by the too short distance they put between themselves and that...manipulating liar.TOTALMENTE D'ACCORDO. Oddio, quando la cosa migliore di un episodio si riassume in questo non è sia troppo positivo, ma almeno ( ... )


alemyrddin February 22 2008, 17:45:43 UTC
1. Sono d'accordo! Sai che cosa ho pensato io? Che Locke è l'unico che la tratta nel modo giusto... a porte in faccia!

4. L'unica cosa interessante, pensandoci adesso, è quel 3.2 che appare così random che deve avere un senso. :)

7. Qualcuno ha sostenuto che non provavano la sua memoria ma a vedere se riusciva a leggerle nel pensiero. La reazione di Dan mi sembra poco appropriata, ma potrebbe anche essere...

15. Già sono d'accordo. In più si pone sempre il problema di Michael e Walt... dove li mettiamo??


inthekeyofd February 22 2008, 15:14:28 UTC
I'm guessing you hate Kate. *smile* She's not a favorite of mine either.

Sawyer in white boxers--I was in heaven.

I'm convinced that where I think there is a rift over that island that either one, they did land on a boat, just not the boat in their universe--a parallel one, or two, they are caught up in it, and where time and space is freaky, they just haven't landed yet.


alemyrddin February 22 2008, 17:47:12 UTC
Was it my subtle irony that tipped you off? *laughs*

yes, Sawyer in white boxers was definitely a gorgeous sight. Must have been the fulfilling of your dreams. ;)

The rift thing makes sense, but I'm more inclined towards time travel than parallel universes... We'll see. :)


elliotsmelliot February 22 2008, 15:24:14 UTC
I'm understand and sympathize with your pain. I feel we are suppose to really love Kate but there is a cruel streak in her that just turns me off. Even if he was a bastard, how she killed Wayne was awful. How she treats Jack and Sawyer really riles me and makes them look stupid for throwing themselves at her.


alemyrddin February 22 2008, 17:52:07 UTC
Thank you, I'm glad I'm not alone in this. :)

How she treats Jack and Sawyer really riles me and makes them look stupid for throwing themselves at her.
So true. I don't hold it against them, since, at least they're in love, even though I don't like how they behave around her sometimes. Kate, on the other hand, doesn't have this excuse.
And yes, about Wayne too... he was a bastard and everything but she still could have found another way.

But what's worst... she never showed any kind of remorse for anything she did. (Sawyer, for example, even after killing Cooper, the man that destroyed his life, was torn and broken.) Come to think about it, neither Hurley did brood over the man he killed with the van, but I guess this is more a writing problem than a character problem. Kate, on the other hand... *shakes head*


elise_509 February 22 2008, 15:47:45 UTC
I'm not holding Aaron as one of the Oceanic 6, but maybe he is. It wouldn't really make sense, b/c Aaron wouldn't have been on the plane, he would've been born on the island, so he doesn't really count. But who knows, maybe he is an O6er, cause didn't the preview last week say "another of the six will be revealed?"

The other 2 are probably Michael and Walt, eponine119 helpfully pointed out to me. Their story would have to account for how Michael and Walt made it out alive.


alemyrddin February 22 2008, 17:55:39 UTC
it's the preview thing that keeps nagging at me... they are usually not blatantly false, so I think Aaron must be one of them.
The Michael&Walt idea is interesting, but I'm more uncertain about them, since Jack said the other 2 died (which translates, imo, that they stayed on the island), and I don't see Michael or Walt staying back...
I think one of them could be Claire, because maybe they did say that Aaron is not Kate's natural child, and had to account for his natural mother. The other... whi knows, maybe Sawyer himself, or Locke.


elise_509 February 23 2008, 08:40:35 UTC
I didn't catch that bit where Jack said the other two died. knowing that now, yeah, michael and walt doesn't make much sense. consensus seems to be the other two might be charlie and claire, though I admit I don't quite understand why that's the consensus.


alemyrddin February 25 2008, 09:25:49 UTC
ah, I didn't know that there was a consensus about that.
Maybe Jack would want to mention Charlie in order to give him credit for their rescue, someway. We'll see...


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