to lighten up the mood...

Dec 19, 2008 10:03

Two things that made me smile this morning.

The F.U.N. song, House style!

image Click to view

and a small, hilarious one-shot: The One with the British doctor
inspired by Hugh Laurie's appearance on Friends, which you can watch ( under the cut )

hugh laurie, house md, videos

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Comments 3

gottalovev December 19 2008, 14:56:17 UTC
I had a lot of fun reading that fic, thanks for sharing! I was weary of the 1st person narrative at first, but she really pulled it off =D


alemyrddin December 22 2008, 08:50:57 UTC
I'm very glad you liked it!
I was weary of the fact it was in, actually ;)
But I was in the mood for crossovers and gave it a shot, and I was very amused by it.


(The comment has been removed)

alemyrddin December 22 2008, 08:58:50 UTC
so true! I had never heard that song before hearing it on the Lost video and I will forever associate it with Jack and Sawyer, but it is fun in any case.
Plus, I'm always impressed by well done videos (and the last scene - the one where House says "it's fun, isn't it?" - is taken from one of the most recent episodes and it's quite a meaningful moment, and so appropriate. I loved this video even more for that. :)

Only ONE MONTH left till Lost comes back, come on sweetie, we can do it! :)


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