(no subject)

May 20, 2008 09:09

I has been Salmon'ed.

[09:03] BloodiedSalmon: The pianist. He touches us. Down there. . .
[09:04] Alena Doron: O_O
[09:04] BloodiedSalmon: Well, out with it.
[09:04] Alena Doron: you tell me, lol!
[09:04] BloodiedSalmon: I'm going to bed, you've lost my interest.
[09:05] Alena Doron: wow. it's 9am over here.
[09:05] BloodiedSalmon: 8:00 here.
[09:05] BloodiedSalmon: G'night.
[09:05] Alena Doron: night!
[09:05] BloodiedSalmon: Feel free to leave a shoe. I might get back to you if I wake up.
[09:05] Alena Doron: I have a sandal!
[09:06] BloodiedSalmon: Does the sandal have a shoe on it?
[09:06] Alena Doron: no, but it has a foot in it
[09:06] BloodiedSalmon: Who does the foot belong to?
[09:06] Alena Doron: me!
[09:06] BloodiedSalmon: Who're you?
[09:06] Alena Doron: I was about to ask you the same thing lol
[09:07] BloodiedSalmon: Ladies first.
[09:07] Alena Doron: you IMed me :D
[09:07] BloodiedSalmon: What... are you talking about?
[09:07] BloodiedSalmon: I'm way too tired to outwit you.
[09:07] BloodiedSalmon: I forfeit.
[09:07] BloodiedSalmon: Leave your shoe, I'll get back to you, maybe.
[09:07] Alena Doron: let me guess... does my IM nick over there look like "BloodiedSalmon"? if so I think we've been caught by the LJbot :)
[09:08] Alena Doron: cause that's what your nick is on my end. I think I've heard about this
[09:08] BloodiedSalmon: Ohdear.
[09:08] BloodiedSalmon: You're someone off of UG.
[09:08] Alena Doron: UG?
[09:08] BloodiedSalmon: Never mind.
[09:08] BloodiedSalmon: You're "Bloodied Offspring".
[09:08] Alena Doron: oh weiurd
[09:08] Alena Doron: I see you as "BloodiedSalmon"
[09:08] Alena Doron: *Weird
[09:09] Alena Doron: this is what I saw initially on my end:
[09:09] Alena Doron: [09:03] BloodiedSalmon: The pianist. He touches us. Down there. . .
[09:04] Alena Doron: O_O
[09:09] Alena Doron: needless to say glad I wasn't sipping my tea when I read that
[09:12] BloodiedSalmon: ...
[09:12] Alena Doron: yup. my reaction too LOL
[09:12] BloodiedSalmon: What.. the deuce.
[09:12] Alena Doron: yup!
[09:12] BloodiedSalmon: Hey, what tea are you drinking?
[09:12] Alena Doron: lol
[09:12] Alena Doron: mint green tea
[09:12] Alena Doron: it good stuff
[09:12] BloodiedSalmon: Yummy.
[09:12] BloodiedSalmon: English breakfast is my favourite, though.
[09:13] Alena Doron: ah that is good stuff
[09:13] BloodiedSalmon: Mmhm.
[09:13] BloodiedSalmon: Anyway.
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