I spent a lot of time figuring out and trying to resolve my own hypocrisies before meeting K, and have spent more time on it since then in areas I couldn't really shine my own light on. In recent months, I've come to the realization that I'm among a tiny minority that devotes any brainpower to this.
"I follow a raw local organic vegan diet because it's the kindest thing to do. This makes me an inherently more compassionate person that you can ever be, you pathetic caveman. And if you don't believe the particular hotly-debated claims and vitriolic internet tirades that led me to make this decision, FUCK YOU AND DIE OF SLOW PAINFUL CANCER."
"The government is trying to force us into serfdom! They take so much of my money that I cannot obtain new job skills! I must go on federal disability immediately!"
"Gun restrictions? Criminals don't obey laws, you dumbass! We need more laws about the quality of our food so the evil corporations can't poison us!"
It just amazes me how so many people can believe that they are among the enlightened few when they are completely unable to resolve inconsistencies in their own brains. It's even more amazing how the most "liberated" minds--detoxed of the Nazi mind control that is fluoridated water, freed of the shackle that is the disarmed urban police state, never indoctrinated into the worship of evil liberal intellectualism that is going to college--are the first to fall for bombastic drivel. No wait. That doesn't amaze me at all.
There was more to this rant, but it's unnecessary as I no longer feel an immediate need to scream at things in order to feel less like screaming at things.