(no subject)

Jun 27, 2007 20:26

......Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck.

I am so pissed right now I can barely type coherently. First, that-that....I don't even know the proper word for her....gets pregnant with his child, leaves us....comes back...then leaves us again and gets her fucking child killed. Some mother...

And him!!!! The nerve of him, accusing me of being jealous when I was defending him! He gave up his immortality for her! Does he not realize how dangerous that was for all of us, for him??? I don't want to see him having to be so weak in order to keep her happy. I want him to be the strong god I know he is.

Fuck this. I'm taking a walk. If Ran can leave, so can I, goddamnit.

.....I'm pissed as all hell. Don't ask why...it's too frustrating to really talk about. Approach at your own risk - I'm not afraid to bite.

pissed, ran, xulchi, angry

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