Menagerie / Menażeria #5

Apr 15, 2015 00:13

It’s been a while from the last time… Today’s Menagerie is mostly English. Rules as usual: the language of description tells you the language of the link’s content.

Helpful Definitions for Modern Authors. Highly useful. *nods sagely*

Ninedin okropnie mądrze w temacie uważanym przez wielu (ale coraz mniej) za niemądry. Metodologia krytyki fanfika.

27 Reasons You Should Never Visit Poland. Totally true. *g*

Now it’s official, Internet haz everything! Like this recipe for boiled water. What, don’t look so, it’s enlightening. Especially the advices #4 and #9 are pure gold.

We all like men in movies looking good, don’t we? Sure we do. So I think it’s only fair to know what is the cost of these looks. It’s also worth musing a moment over what exactly ‘looking good’ means nowadays and how it’s been changing over years (and it has). It’s also handy for the next time you’ll hear someone claiming that in Hollywood actors are actors and actresses are bodies… Building a Bigger Action Hero.

Speaking of bodies, Moomin Skeletal Diagram. If you ever wondered… *g*

Speaking of bodies even more, The Biology of B-Movie Monsters. You really need more reasons than this title to read it? :3

Ray Grant napisał dużą część tego, co myślę o książkach Zygmunta Miłoszewskiego (no dobra, z Chmielewską przesadził, ale już na przykład tamto alibi to sama mu zapewnię, jakby co), na skutek czego ja już nie muszę. Dlaczego ludzie nie chcą częściej tak odwalać roboty za mnie…

Today’s picture is Redundant Clock by Ji Lee. Check out his other works!

And today’s quotes:

Scientific revolutions don’t change the universe. They change how humans interpret it.
“The Science of Discworld IV: The Judgement Day” by Terry Pratchett, Ian Stewart and Jack Cohen.

Kto nie lubi myśleć, tego niecierpliwi rozmaitość, która zmusza do myślenia.
„Prawidła życia”, Janusz Korczak


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