Seen a movie: Secret Life of Pets

Sep 26, 2016 20:32

Spoilers covered.

It’s not going to be my next favorite movie, but it wasn’t bad either (as long as you don’t mind a fecal joke here and there). I liked the art, especially aerial views (though it wouldn’t hurt if they toned down colors a little), sunlight and water. Plot wasn’t anything I’d shower with Oscars, but the whole thing (mostly characters) fits in the quite refreshing quality of animations in recent years. Interestingly, this time I’d describe characters less as “no one’s entirely bad”, and more as “no one’s entirely good”, and even “our guys” have their dickish moments (or days). Still, nothing is without a reason, and often with self-reflection and/or changing one’s ways.

My favorite thing (coincidentally being also a character): Chloe. :)

She has awful personality with great moments and I love her. *g* Her felinity, the heroic fight with herself over the roasted chicken, and her speech for Max. Let’s not talk about the Disaster Party Scene…

Least favorite thing (coincidentally being also a character :P): The terrorist bunny. And his whole gang. Overdrawn and overstuffed with weird ideas (the viper???) which I’d call underexplained (the duck…?) if I cared enough to be curious. But I don't. They all grated on my nerves. Also, I don’t get why SPOILER ALERT did he all of a sudden decide to help Max and Duke? Redeeming change of mind, okay, but what was the pivotal moment? When he got left behind together with Max, I presume, but even then, 1. it was too quick (crazy mood swings?), and 2. I would expect him turn on them again later, because it seemed more like a temporary truce than actual giving up his plans. END OF SPOILER ALERT

Special gold star for a single moment gets the dachshund climbing things. :)

I was really sad that SPOILER ALERT Duke’s owner died never getting to know what had happened to his dog. :( I hoped Duke would come back to him, and they could be friends with Max’s owner. END OF SPOILER ALERT On the bright side, though, my favorite pair is the parakeet (which on his own is not that much interesting) and his owner. I had a little meltdown. ♥ XD

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