There are Stranger things in movies... or not?

Dec 10, 2017 22:56

With Infinity War around a corner, I decided it’s high time to catch up on what needs catching up on, and started with Doctor Strange.

Okay, maybe in spoilery bullet points…
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marvel, dresden files, movies

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Comments 32

hamsterwoman December 11 2017, 05:22:31 UTC
The cloak is adorable, isn't it? :D It was probably our favorite character coming out of the movie, haha.

The parallels to Tony at the start are very noticeable, but I did like that Strange retained his doctor's priorities throughout, as you say, from the rare non-self-centered emotional moment when he kills the guy to the confrontation with Dormammu.

I was also very glad that Wong survived, but do agree with you about Mordo -- I don't really buy his Heel Face Turn, even though they're trying to frame it as a disillusioned idealist thing once he finds out the Ancient One was using the same magic as what'shisface.


beccadg December 11 2017, 09:56:12 UTC agree with you about Mordo -- I don't really buy his Heel Face Turn...

Given, as I've said elsewhere in this thread, I'm very use to Mordo as one of the Big Scary Villains that Doc Strange fights repeatedly in the books, I'd have appreciated it if they'd approached Mordo differently. I mean I kind of understand their wanting to set Stephen and Mordo apart the way they did, but they didn't give it the kind of build up that the break between Thor and Loki got in the first Thor movie. It could've been handled better.


hamsterwoman December 12 2017, 03:50:18 UTC
I had read that he was a villain in the comic books (which I have not read; these or any other), so I knew he was going to end up a bad guy at the end, but I don't think the arc of the movie really sold it.


beccadg December 15 2017, 06:11:11 UTC
...I don't think the arc of the movie really sold it.

I've heard from others outside of this whole thread (who also haven't read the books) that the movie arc didn't sell it. When I said, "It could've been handled better," I totally meant that Mordo's arc could've been handled better. I was just trying to say that the way Mordo's arc doesn't work for me seems to be the opposite of how it apparently doesn't work for people who aren't familiar with his being a villain. People who only know him in the movie seem disappointed that he appears to abruptly go from good to bad. For me the arc didn't work because I was never comfortable with his appearing to be good. The break, that doesn't work for people who liked the "good" movie version of Mordo, was a relieving break for me from Mordo acting like he was one of the "good guys." Does that make sense?


beccadg December 11 2017, 09:45:59 UTC
I got a vague feeling of watching an adaptation that doesn’t actually exist, because I totally can see Harry Dresden trapping some deity this way, only with more of spiteful glee.

I feel obligated to remind you that Doctor Stephen Vincent Strange first appeared in print in 1963 while Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden only made his first appearance in print in 2000. It was an adaptation--of Doctor Strange's origin story. I don't know what all Jim Butcher read as a kid, but I know he's done a number of Harry Dresden comic books with Dynamite Entertainment.

The moment finally came when he spared a moment to stop over the man he killed, and later when he refuses to be anything but a doctor who have sworn to save lives instead of taking them. OK, Doc, now I’m sold on, but you sure took your time, darn you…I've pretty much hated Tony Stark since I first started reading Marvel comic books in 1983, only in the RDJ solo movies do I find myself without my usual desire to punch him in the face, but I have most definitely loved Doc Strange ( ... )


aletheiafelinea December 11 2017, 19:24:18 UTC
Of course I'm not saying DF inspired the Strange comics or even MCU, that would be ridiculous. I actually thought it's very probable that some inspiration might have flown in the opposite direction. :) That's why I said "adaptation that doesn't actually exist", because I'm saying here my entirely subjective impression, not any objective analysis. Kind of like one might come across some Lalique brooch or comb in a museum and say "Oooh, it's like straight from Rivendell!".

only in the RDJ solo movies do I find myself without my usual desire to punch him in the face ... Tony, as they made use of in Iron Man 3, is "the mechanic."
Yeah, come to think of that, it's quite an achievement, to get to play such a jerk of a character, keep him being jerk, and still somehow inexplicably likable... I'm not really a fan of RDJ in general (not as in 'against', just not much interested), but I must give him his due for that.

Have you heard it was Benny's suggestion to let the Cloak wipe away Stephen's tears when he was crying?I haven't! I didn't ( ... )


beccadg December 15 2017, 08:42:05 UTC
I actually thought it's very probable that some inspiration might have flown in the opposite direction. :)

Thank you. I haven't heard Jim Butcher talk comic books, but I can't help but suspect he was reading them before he started writing DF ones.

Kind of like one might come across some Lalique brooch or comb in a museum and say "Oooh, it's like straight from Rivendell!".

Sorry, I'm never sure when someone expresses an impression like that if they appreciate that the older thing is in fact older. I've had to explain to people who didn't have that appreciation that the newer thing is newer. If anything is a knock-off, it's the newer thing they're familiar with, not the older thing that can't very well be a knock-off when it is the older thing.

Yeah, come to think of that, it's quite an achievement...I think the degree to which it's an achievement makes my disappointment at hating Tony in other movies worse. I mean outside of the movies I'm use to hating Tony, but to have liked him in his solo movies only to find myself hating ( ... )


aletheiafelinea December 16 2017, 18:31:49 UTC
to have liked him in his solo movies only to find myself hating him in the other movies is very disappointing.
MCU solo movies in general work better to me. The collective ones get increasingly overpopulated, which results in not enough screentime for anyone and everyone. Granted, I appreciated how Russo&Russo handled this in CA:CW, which is why I'm rather optimistic for Infinite War.


supernutjapan December 11 2017, 10:28:43 UTC
The cloak was definitely the best part of the movie!


aletheiafelinea December 11 2017, 19:25:04 UTC
Everything else was the background. XD


alumfelga February 4 2018, 17:21:12 UTC
Czytając, uświadomiłam sobie, jak niewiele z tego filmu pamiętam.

hacking movie - breaking in by banging a monitor with a keyboard; heist movie - coming in broad daylight, strangling the guard with a stethoscope and demanding money while threatening the cashier with a picklock; writer movie - whacking that other one on the head with a typewriter while being stabbed with a pencil…
Pytanie, jak długie byłyby wtedy te filmy :D

He’s right, though. They should put warnings in books before spells, not after…

Czy ja wiem, selekcja naturalna? :)

I don’t think it would work as a starting point to me.
Jak ktoś kiedyś znajdzie dobry punkt startowy, to niech się ze mną skontaktuje :)


aletheiafelinea April 21 2018, 21:37:00 UTC
*przypełza wreszcie* Wybacz milczenie, trochę prywatnych zawirowań. :}

Pytanie, jak długie byłyby wtedy te filmy :D
Tak, zanim zaczęłam oglądać MCU, też sądziłam, że przecież nie da się zrobić ponad dwóch godzin mordoklepu z wybuchami... Jak powiada Radek Teklak, o jakże naiwnym byłam łosiem.

Czy ja wiem, selekcja naturalna? :)
Presja selekcyjna faworyzująca czytanie do końca? Ma sens, ale tylko przy zaklęciach, które nie wpłyną na nikogo poza samym eksperymentującym. "Możliwe skutki uboczne w postaci przejściowej bądź trwałej amfibiomorfii z chronicznym rechotem" może być na końcu, ale "Możliwe skutki uboczne w postaci implozji uniwersum" lepiej przed. Na czerwono i podskakująco. :)

Jak ktoś kiedyś znajdzie dobry punkt startowy, to niech się ze mną skontaktuje :)
Niekoniecznie może działać dla kogoś innego... Poza tym tak teraz myślę, że "dobre" niekoniecznie musi równać się "punktowi startowemu". "Jessica Jones" została dla Ciebie raczej standalonem niż częścią multiwersum, dobrze mi się zdaje? :)


alumfelga June 17 2018, 14:38:19 UTC
Teraz ja kmpletnie wypadłam z LJ. Najrozwleklejsza rozmowa w historii... :)

Tak, zanim zaczęłam oglądać MCU, też sądziłam, że przecież nie da się zrobić ponad dwóch godzin mordoklepu z wybuchami...
Toteż właśnie postuluję wprowadzanie skutecznych rozwiązań filmowych i ich skracanie.

"Możliwe skutki uboczne w postaci implozji uniwersum" lepiej przed. Na czerwono i podskakująco. :)
To prawda. I to tuż przed zaklęciem, nie we wstępie do rozdziału, którego i tak nikt nie przeczyta.

"Jessica Jones" została dla Ciebie raczej standalonem niż częścią multiwersum, dobrze mi się zdaje? :)Mało tego, ledwo obejrzałam drugi sezon, więc nie mam pewności, czy nawet ten serial obejrzę w całości. Nie wiem, jak można po takim świetnym sezonie zrobić taką nudę ( ... )


aletheiafelinea June 17 2018, 18:20:19 UTC
*piiiiiiiiiiiiiisk*!!! Zaczynałam się niepokoić... :D

Mało tego, ledwo obejrzałam drugi sezon, więc nie mam pewności, czy nawet ten serial obejrzę w całości. Nie wiem, jak można po takim świetnym sezonie zrobić taką nudę.
O właśnie, zastanawiałam się czy oglądasz. W tym drugim był Tennant? Jak nie, to poniekąd masz odpowiedź. :D Albo to tak jak SPN - popularność dłuższa niż pomysł.

Ale! Poszłam na "Czarną Panterę" i bawiłam się lepiej niż się spodziewałam.
Arggh, ugh, wrr, a ja nie, bo jak leciało, to nie mogłam iść (co znów potwierdza, że granie czegokolwiek przez tydzień to niskie łajdactwo ze strony kinowych decydentów), a teraz mi ciągle schodzi, bo ciągle coś pilniejszego. A zależało mi, żeby zdążyć przed Infinity War i nie zdążyłam, grr. XP W ogóle, proponuję minutę ciszy na kontemplację rozmiarów tego uniwersum/kanonu - zaiste szerokim on jest, skoro wciąż się w nim tak rozmijamy i oglądamy nie to, co ta druga. :D Ale teraz przynajmniej mam dodatkową motywację, żeby jednak obejrzeć prędzej. (Bo znając mnie, mogłoby mi zejść ( ... )


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