So, about that climate change...

Apr 28, 2018 20:09

Recent decade or so has been going like this:


Yeah, autumn. Wait, what is this snow doing here?

Apparently nothing anymore. A test run, I guess.

So, um, Christmas, comprende? C h r i s t m a s, Winter. There are certain, ahem, expectations. Got it? Winter? Wiiinteeer! Anybody here? Oh, that’s you, Autumn… No, I mean, yes, of course we like you, too. No need to cry, nonono, don’t cry! Oh crap...

Maybe there will be no winter at all this time?

Aaand there goes that hope. *noises of shoveling in the background*

Are you friggin’ kidding me?! *shoveling intensifies, underlined now with a slightly hoarse birdsong*

Okay, if you’re kidding it’s not even funny anymore. Besides, I’m pretty sure those forsythias have no business staying yellow for three weeks straight. Do they plant them artificial now or what? *birdsong sounds more hoarse, but stubborn*

Friggin’ finally. You forgot to set your alarm clo… er, your calendar, Spring? Are you going to bother with unpacking? No? Ah, you have a train tomorrow, okay…

They’re selling non-steroidal looking strawberries, must be summer.

*bats having a heated argument over something in the background* Anti-mosquito system active, definitely summer.

What you mean no room for meat next to three boxes of ice cream? I fail to see a problem here.

Second half of August…
*sneaky autumn mornings*

To sum it up, overall our vegetation period is a full month shorter now, you can miss the spring if you blink in a wrong moment, and autumns last for half a year, but at least summers now are decent enough to make some stupid people say they wish for the cold already.

This being said, current year is an outlier again because of course it is (the only sure thing you can say about Polish weather is that you can’t say a sure thing about it), and followed the New World OrderTM only up to March, changing the course overnight and then going suddenly full throttle. So, well...

Sorry totally not sorry, Spain. ^^

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nature, random thoughts

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