PotC Recs Weekly #90

Feb 01, 2014 16:27

The recs, apart from being recs, are also prompts. If you write something inspired by these works, the link for your fic will be added to the entry.
The Masterlist

Cosplay - Captain Jack Sparrow by photographer Slava Grebenkin and model Vitaly Sparoff

I never before thought I could ever see cosplay or rather cosplay photography rivalling with the canon... and even regret this is not canon, in place of 'On Stranger Tides' at least. Do not omit the whole series!

just one kissWIP by keepsake20 aka Amanda Dockery

flying dutchman WIP 1 by PSDraw aka Pavel Sherbatyuk

So, anyone willing to see more recs? :)

potc recs

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