Taking the plunge...

Apr 23, 2009 16:20

Hi all,

First time poster, looong time lurker here. I've read some great fic here and finally decided to open an LJ account and post one of my own.  Even though I've read a lot of journals and posts, please forgive me if I'm not too quick on the draw yet when it comes to posting, etc.  Hope this works...

Title: Art Imitates Life
Fandom: Law & Order: SVU
Pairing: A/O
Rating: R (to be safe), but probably closer to PG-13
Disclaimer: These characters do not belong to me.  No infringement intended and no profit will be made from their use.
Spoilers: None - set some time during Season 3
Author's note: I've read a couple of other fics with the same (or similar) name.  I've had this one written (with title) for a while, but never had the nerve to post.  Even though they share a title, I think the stories are very different...

Link to fic...

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