"My Home" Chapter 4/?

Dec 16, 2006 23:57

Ok here is Chapter 4 of "My Home." Once again I hope everyone enjoys it. I honestly did try not to end it on a very big cliff hanger this time.


There huddled in the corner Liv could see a small shaking figure. Alex must have lost at least 20 pounds, and she had been thin to begin with. Blond locks clung and obstructed Liv’s view of her face. The room was a blinding shade of white, adorned with only a bed, caked in white linens. Blinking rapidly against the bright florescent lights Liv cautiously approached Alex.

Alex didn’t react or look up. She just continued to rock back and forth in a fetal position, cacophonously silent.  Liv had a lot of experience witnessing the effects of drugs and as soon as she was within ten feet of the ADA she knew she was medicated. Enraged she turned and looked at the man who had escorted her, and now was looming in front of the doorway.

“Why is she medicated? Don’t you think that will delay recovery?!” Liv’s voice was harsh but also a whisper, she didn’t want to alarm Alex. Not that it mattered, she didn’t even look up. The man sighed; Liv was becoming increasingly annoyed at the condescending attitude at the hospital,

“She was a danger to herself that is why she is medicated. While most of the bruises and lacerations are from her attack, if you take a look at her arms you’ll see a stretch of cuts created by her own fingernails. Under the medication she doesn’t have the endurance to hurt herself too badly.” The man spoke with no emotion, no concern for the woman who was the most important thing in her life. Liv wondered if this was the real reason they made her turn over her weapon, so she wouldn’t shoot the staff for their nonchalance and standoffish manner.

Liv was shocked to hear that Alex had been hurting herself. Well, she knew that Alex would hurt herself emotionally, burying her feelings and denying herself things she wanted, but lashing out physically… it sound more like something she would do not Alex. Liv could feel her heart breaking; turning her back on the man, she faced her love. She had longed to see Alex, to run her hands through those now limp blond tresses. To gaze into the blue eyes…to smell that scent to akin to Alex, champagne and pomegranate. She was now a few mere inches away from Alex, dropping to her knees she sunk to her level.

Alex didn’t look up; she made no sign that she was aware that Olivia was even in the room. Liv stretched out one hand, shocked that it trembled, and lifted Alex’s face to look into her own. Those eyes. They seemed foreign. There was no arrogance, confidence or compassion. They were hollow and dull. They did not see Liv; they looked through her. She gasped and felt her eyes pooling with unshed tears. A loud bang on the other side of the room made her turn her attention away.

A doctor trailed by two burly nurses entered the room. They strutted into the room with an air of arrogance Olivia despised on anyone other than Alex.

“My name is Doctor Ster. I have been overseeing Miss Cabot’s treatment.” Liv waited for him to continue, although he seemed in no hurry to do so, “I am here to administer Miss Cabot’s medication.” Liv winced at this. She had been to enough psyche wards to know what happens next. The two muscular nurses would hold down her love as this Doctor injected more numbing meds. Liv also knew that there was nothing she could do to stop it. So she gave a lingering glare to the three of them, one that conveyed ‘you hurt her you die’ and slowly backed away. She stayed only a few feet away, ready to pounce if things got out of hand. What she didn’t expect was what happened next.

Doctor Ster and his two assistants walked up to Alex and knelt down at her side. Doctor Ster rolled up one of her sleeves, and in so doing seizing the breath from Liv’s lungs. Alex’s arm was a collage of bruises and cuts. Some of the cuts did indeed seem self-inflicted. An agonizing sound filled the small room, Alex had begun to whimper. She did not, however, move. It sounded like a wounded animal, Olivia just wanted to cradle her and kiss away the pain.

When Doctor Ster was done Alex retracted even more and began started rocking again. The doctor turned and faced Olivia,

“Visiting hours are over. You can come back tomorrow and visit again if you like.” Olivia nodded silently, too overwhelmed to speak. She whispered a soft goodbye and quietly left the room. The thick door slammed closed and Alex was left once again in silence, only then… did she look up.

length: ep!fic, title: my home, author: gigi2690, rating: r

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