It is a lovely November day in New York City, all crisp and clear and sunny and cold as all get out. Alexa herself is wearing a warm fleece jacket, bright red, and is thankful that central heating's been invented
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May starts zipping up her black blazer as she turns the corner. Brrr! Good thing she thought to grab a sweater before she PINported out. Then, seeing the Golden Arches -- and the Golden Arches just a block from them -- she sighed. Too bad her spider-sense didn't tingle around other spiders who weren't, you know, trying to kill people.
Looked like it was cellphone time. Rrriinng! "Pick up, pick up, please pick up..."
One of the problems with never using your cell phone is that you forget what ringtone you put on it. Alexa hasn't reprogrammed her ringtone since... oh, two, maybe three years ago, and thus has never changed it from its loud, tinny, and utterly obnoxious rendition of Sir Mix-a-Lot's "Baby Got Back".
It is very loud. And people stare. Go ahead, people, you can laugh at this spider.
Comments 84
Looked like it was cellphone time. Rrriinng! "Pick up, pick up, please pick up..."
It is very loud. And people stare. Go ahead, people, you can laugh at this spider.
She's waving, just to be helpful. She also looks like a complete dork, but we're not going to tell her that.
Some things should not be mentioned. Doesn't mean they can't be laughed at, though.
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