
Jul 18, 2006 23:00

so tonight was a lot of fun. i went to cool beans and saw SAM LAROSA for the first time in a while. and sarah and aaron where there... those bastards stole my virginity
so yea. even though the fab really was there wen i first lost it. w/e yea so after the first time incident it was superhero shots all around with muhh awesomeess new camera

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Comments 5

bigxal July 19 2006, 13:43:42 UTC
0mg i c@nt b3li3v3 y0u guyz hung 0ut with0ut me


alexa_std July 19 2006, 14:40:49 UTC
omgg. are you seriuos big al.. pulling up after the king. and then we all said.. ALEXX COME ON. HAN GOUT WITH USS and you werre all ike i couldnt. so . pshh.


bigxal July 23 2006, 00:31:39 UTC
ahahahaah im joking.

im making fun of cetain people duh


deformityinabox July 19 2006, 15:31:29 UTC
those are some very nice superhero shots!


alexa_std July 19 2006, 15:35:51 UTC
ayoo thnx sarah.. you look pretty finee in the first one =P


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