
Jul 29, 2006 12:38

hmm last night was a lot of fun. christys sister meghan pickedup chrsity. but then she said i could come with them to get ice cream in port jeff =] and it was really cool. i had a lot of fun except like this girl said nice underwear. and like. idk it didnt make much sense cause i was wearing leggings but w/e. i kinda found it amusing. so then ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

bigxal July 29 2006, 21:54:05 UTC
hha megguy poos so sun burnt!


alexa_std July 30 2006, 04:25:38 UTC
shes hawtt. ahhaa big al. shouldnt be one to talk about sunburns lobster legss ahah jk =P


bigxal August 6 2006, 00:44:30 UTC
lmao its true


hey ayo_kevo July 29 2006, 23:50:52 UTC
this night was the most fun, completely random lol but very funny. alexa i guess we made new friends lol, they seemed to love us, the tristen gang lol.


Re: hey alexa_std July 30 2006, 04:26:41 UTC
ahah kevin.. well idk everyone seems to just lvoe me these ddays. evven though apparently some girls think i run around in my underpants. idk


deformityinabox July 30 2006, 02:00:35 UTC
OMG I SAW THEM IN TOWN TOO which makes me sad i didnt run into you


alexa_std July 30 2006, 04:27:41 UTC
ahah yea. when we got there they were lik;e... ohh we saw sarah gluck and i was like WATTTTTT =0 .. and their like she left .. we gotss to han gout soon.


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