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Comments 24

nutmeg3 October 4 2013, 18:00:08 UTC
I need to check out this series, clearly.


alexandral October 4 2013, 19:29:11 UTC
I really recommend this series - I haven't seen any new "proper" sci-fi series for a while, I thought they don't make them anymore.


linfer October 5 2013, 19:57:52 UTC
I want to draw hearts around this book.
Bobbie is amazing as is Avasarala, but espevcially Bobbie.

It's a thing of beauty that it is actually possible to write a powerful woman warrior without falling back into Brienne territory. The way she ripped through all the defenses of the Mao spaceship...omg, I cheered during the whole encounter.
She is not some freak, she isn't some ugly misfit, she is a talented soldier in her natural enviremont and omg, it was awesome and I need to send some emial to the writers to thank them for giving me that.
Also it was great having her being an ally of Avasarala, I heart all the scenes between those two.

I loved Leviathan Wakes, but I adore Caliban's War.


alexandral October 7 2013, 13:58:58 UTC
Me too! I totally didn't expect such a good set of female characters after the book 1 . I am so looking forward the TV series (you know that Expanse is going to be TV series, right?). I am already casting Bobby in my mind.


blueocean80 October 5 2013, 23:38:12 UTC
I got the third book like 2 weeks ago and I still haven't had time to read it. I'm equally bummed I haven't had the pleasure to read it yet and happy because the longer I put reading it off, the longer I can delay finishing the trilogy because after this? There is no more Expanse. Argh. Told you you'd like it.

Incidentally, I tried Shadow and Betrayal, which contains "A Shadow in Summer" and "A Betrayal in Winter", the first 2 books of Abraham's 1st fantasy saga and I just couldn't get through it. I may try again, but not soon. I can't believe this is the same guy that wrote the Expanse? Argh. Maybe it's just me and fantasy that don't get along that well.


alexandral October 7 2013, 14:01:50 UTC
I LOVED CALIBANS WAR so much I didn't even expect it. It is amazing!

I was going to check Abraham's other book (he is one part of James S.A Corey, another one is Ty Franck). Hmm, I trust your taste.

But more Expanse - you know that there will be Expanse TV series, right? I am mostly on Twitter now so I didn't post this here.


blueocean80 October 14 2013, 17:08:11 UTC

You should try tho. I'm not a huge fantasy fan tbh so I'm kinda picky when it comes to it. I do love things like NK Jemisin' books (omg, the Inheritance trilogy is still one of my favorite things ever), but...well, yeah, I'm picky. If I have to read something, it's probably going to be scifi or fics these days. LOL Or, idk, urban fantasy? Think Jim Butcher series because they're easy and quick reads.

I DID NOT KNOW THAT OMG! wait, wait. Is there a cast yet? Oh god, this is equally exciting and dreadful. On the one hand, yes to more scifi shows! On the other, what if tptb mess it up? Man, I'm so jaded cos I can't imagine tptb to make something nice out of it.

I'm still on Dreamwidth for real life related posts. Fandom-wise? I'm on tumblr. I don't like it much (dude, interacting there is not as easy as it is on lj/dw) but fandoms seem to have migrated there and...well, that's where I am. Good thing I can queue stuff so the blog has always new content even when I'm not actually there. LOL


alexandral October 14 2013, 17:26:07 UTC
I don't think there is a cast yet, by the pilot will be written by the same guys that did Children of Men and Iron Man: http://variety.com/2013/tv/news/iron-man-writers-enter-sci-fi-mystery-tv-project-for-alcon-the-expanse-1200598499/

NK Jemisiin is on my list too. The problem there is that I can't get an audiobook copy for the 3rd book.

The same thing happened to me - LJ has become super-annoying, I found a couple of people I like to talk to on LJ on twitter and moved there. Twitter is so fast , so I don't need to spend lots of time posting.

You know what I like about twitter? Interacting with the authors and reading their tweets. JK Jemisin is pure awesome and I havn't even started her books yet! This is me on twitter, btw : https://twitter.com/mindneedsbooks


blueocean80 October 14 2013, 18:26:51 UTC
Yep, it's basically a...stream? Of all of your posts? But in a non-formatted text? That can be viewed in multiple devices/applications? IDK how to explain this better than that. But it doesn't have to be an RSS feed. Anything I can track your posts without signing up with blogger and/or google+ would be good. If you can find it, I'll follow you for sure.



northremembers October 14 2013, 18:46:06 UTC
I think I switched rss feed on, can you try it again?

I think the link is:



blueocean80 October 14 2013, 20:26:56 UTC
awesome, thanks! I subscribed :)


alexandral October 14 2013, 18:50:04 UTC
Sorry, I was logged in with my other account


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