Once upon a time, Jason and I realized that we had to try cooking ramen in mountain dew sometime. Back on thursday night, we finally got around to doing it. The results were.. horrendous. My kitchen smelled like burnt sugar for hours.
This is Jason. He is a crazy man.
We carefully measured 2 cups of mountain dew into a pot and put it on the stove.
Mountain dew looks really weird when it boils. It started to smell really bad and I realized that this may have possibly been a shitty idea.
It just got worse and worse. The smell was getting really overpowering now.
I had to spend a good amount of time building up the courage to try and taste it.
Unfortunately, we didn't get a picture of me trying it and spitting it out in horror/disgust.
I washed my mouth out some more..
All in all it was a horrible idea.