I have spent the past three days driving between Brooklyn and the South Bronx in a box van, collecting furniture from Craigslist sellers/donators. (Should I be proud that I am 37 and my new husband's and my first apartment together has been furnished via Freecycle and $50 Craigslist furniture bargains? Or is it just a bit pathetic?). Anyway, three
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Comments 2
I was just reading about it on 'Comics Worth Reading', and man... if I were a comic writer instead of just prose I'd be so glad for the warning against those guys.
Also this year I'll be 38, and my furniture is all give aways and camping store goodies, except for the bookself and plastic dresser I think I got at Zellers (a Canadian store chain that Target's buying) *yes, this is a blatant attempt to share your coolness* LOL
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