Sum continued Emperial commishes: Sylvia and Percival,
Oops, regressed to cartoony a bit with Percy
Pavel and Landor. I tried the blushing thing that I keep noticing on Russians (Pavel is Russian), have you noticed that? a preponderance of pink cheeks?... Landor's is my favorite that I've done to date. I keep thinking its simply painting skills that makes a picture it but its turning out to be more subtle, like small proportion corrections and color choice.
So very productive! Three more portraits and 4 chibis left, lets see if I can't finish them in the next two days... then I can polish off the prize sketches from the last NSC contest and there was something else, I'll finish that too... that'll give me the weekend to work on something for the NJoo prompt and to finish the final snowball thumbs, I'm determined to not slack on that anymore.
Some Luca uniform fuckery, I'm trying to decide on a summer color but its not going well. I decided the purple thing should be the dress uniform, since it incorporates design elements from both Pasori and Santri clothing and would be appropriate for general formal occasions involving the state. The regular one should be plain Santri though, since the Pasori are alreay pretty annoyed that their style would be diluted in any way... Theres a Pasori outfit as well but I'm having a lot of problems with that one, I have't really settled on a general look for the lot of them/ tribes, so designing a leader's outfit is a little out of reach at the moment. Need to let it incubate a bit more, I'm sure it'll hit me at some point in the future, like these things always do...
I'm making ref sheets, btw, which is why I'm worrying about this at all (right now I'm stuck on Angora, which is weird since she has no clothes anyhow).
Last some self-indulgent speedpaint since I worked hard on portraits last night. Eating at night is bad, btw, the calories just sit there and turn into the fats :c
I keep mentioning that Luca needs to eat constantly, but I don't draw it that often... mostly because I like the idea too much XD You know how you can tell if someone really likes something by the way they handle the subject (look at the tags list for an idea of how skewed my sketches are ;__;)... oh well you all know I'm crazy already anyways.
I'll stop being so boring soon, thanks for putting up with these lame posts.