Crappy post today, sorry... haven't had much inclination to doodle for some reason? But heres some stuff anyways:
First giftarts/ kiriban arts:
A giftart for Thundercake on DA, who is great and you should check out her work :3
Kiriban for Tomay-Ri of her witch character
Kiriban for Kochikens, via Kit Mit of Taxi
I like these ubiquitous characters that you see around DA, like Audley's and German City Girls'... its neat seeing all the different representations.
Almost done with Charpal's, but I need to do other work first D:
Here's a crappy gif of my wip for that b-day piece from last week:
I'm sure this helps no-one. Basically, ctrl+fuckarounduntilitlooksright
Some sketch crap I found in a folder where it wasn't supposed to be:
Haha, no wonder I forgot about it, it sucks. Still, I like the way Dagre looks.
And some additional craps
They pertain to the next chapter, just messing around for now... Pinter looks too girly, I think its the eyes
Last, something not crappy <3