I jump in pools

Aug 15, 2008 07:54

Lately all I've been doing is tablet stuff ;__; I remember the old days when everything I drew was by hand. Anyways some by ballpoint pen stuff (sorry for Luca overload)

First, some stuff I owe: Sven for Charpal, and Luca and Zhao appreciating each others sideburns for HaloHayes!

It takes a lot of concentration for me to get stuff to look subdued when I draw (on the tablet I usually correct myself) but no ctrlZ irl :C So sorry in advance for the wacky proportions and shit, pretend its stylish or something.

Ranas. The jellyfish looks like Phillipe from Achewood XD

Messing with style and buff!mander (a name I ganked from Redvelvetaddict)

Kawaii angora desu ne~! kekekekeke

Younger Luca and older Luca

Angoras and a Pinter

Revisiting old designs XD All my girls used to be cat people... and Luca used to have donkey ears ;___; I think I took recycled his design in Fsnz, I just hadn't noticed.

The screaming guy on the top used to be the main character! Thank god I got rid of him.

Oops, two more Luca :3

And the real message of this post:


Sorry for lack of real arts lately, I have another painting that I've been TRYING to finish for 3 days except I keep falling asleep at 11 XD I'll give it another go tonight.

(And bonus capslock atla bondage post, lol. Don't click if you have an aversion Iroh peen.)

zhao, animals, amen, luca, soli, symon, angora, ulyer, rana, pinter, fanart

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