Grab the camera phone

Nov 11, 2008 09:23

Wow I haven't updated here for a month. Bad me. Anyways I've been mostly picking away at commissions the last few days...

Well first, gift art to some kiriban winners, Artoveli and Dragonack (respectively)

Some chibis for Muura and for uh XD hold on oh yeah LinearMango

A sketch for Sheana

More like inks... after all those comic pages I don't think I'm physically able to not ink my sketches XC

And some portraits, for DeathSyctheChan, Master of Raviel and KKitty23!

Once again my portrait style is changing. Thankfully they still take the same amount of time to do! haha... all I need to work on now is to not procrastinate. Also DSC hasn't written me back about receiving/ hating/ liking her commission, I'm afraid she hates it and is afraid to tell me XC Her char is supposed to be this older Korean guy who smokes opium, I tried to fit all that in while keeping with my style but theres always the chance that they completely hate my rendition and are too afraid to say so. I think I told her to let me know if I can make any changes but its been a week and I can see she's been online.. oh well, I don't guess its my job to chase after people to see whether they hate my work, lol.

I actually have a lot of other sketches, mostly Song of Ice and Fire fanarts, but they're all on paper cuz I did them at work and am too lazy to scan them! Oh and some flipshake arts, but again, too lazy to pull them off and put them on photobucket. Woe. Maybe later. Back to work!


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