Well that episode was awesome. Two back to back episodes of spn that I loved every moment of? It must be christmas xD
So first of all, I've always loved Tessa and was thrilled she was in this episode and yay for another recurring female character who I love and who has yet to be killed off. Which really would be hard for them to do and all considering she's a reaper... Can you even kill them? I don't know and if that question has been answered before but if it has then I can't remember. I may of also started semi shipping Dean/Tessa during the episode which when I thought about it later, realised I'd been doing that in every episode they shared anyway.
Anyway so points to spn for delivering another awesome episode. Dean as death started out as amusing but made me feel all sad when the little girl came in to the picture. Valuable lesson there, never screw with the natural order of things. As for Sam during that episode... Where do I start? He was pretty much psycho to put it mildly. I mean I understand it and all but still. When Bobby thought he was gonna go, "Here's Johnny!" that was the thought pretty much running through my head. In my opinion if he had said that then the episode would of become far more amusing and less angsty and Balthazar's (who i'm not sure I like yet) comment totally made me lol, you know the one. I am still recovering from the shock of Sam being prepared to kill Bobby, I mean I knew Soulless!Sam was dodgy and all but I never thought he'd stoop that low. Oh well he's got his soul back now and a wall to keep things at bay (for a while) so hopefully we can enjoy a few episodes of good old soulful Sam before the wall comes tumbling down and the angst and despair washes over us once more.
The worst thing however is that god knows how long (if anyone actually knows please tell me. I'm fretting over here) (Oh! never mind, it's January 28th! Really!? Just really!?) for any new spn episodes. But I guess I'll have the joyous time of christmas and then horrible exams to distract me until then. Psssh who am I kidding? I'll be desperate by the end of January.