I appeared on this chapter!! XD

Nov 30, 2014 17:34

Hi all!

The latest installment in the Jonathan & Paul series is here! yes, Jonathan first *is a not so closeted Jonathan fangirl*

Thanks to kokiden for her amazing speedy at purchasing, translating and orchesting the team for this project and thx to toshirodragon for scanning and nanantingki for proofing the text.

Thx for mantaining this project safe from online readers, forums, tumblr, etc.
Remember to link back to this or kokiden's entry if you want to share it. As you can see, this entry is not even friends' locked so do cooperate and don't reupload anywhere.

* NEW * → Don't Ask me Why


previous chaps:
Familly 3
Family 2
Family 1
Egg 3
Egg 2 by kokiden and Mia (available at kokiden's LJ)
Egg 1 and previous chaps were scanlated by MIAB

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

sensei included me on it!!

Aaaand the chap should have been named: Jonathan... I lost the count of how many times I read his name x)

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy it as MUCH as we did. If you want to fangirl, ehem... I mean, discuss about it feel free to reply to this entry. I would love to read what you have to say ^^

marta matsuo, lies are a gentleman's manners

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